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Stencil Buffer Bug, cannot fic



My problem looks a little like this


From looking around on the internet, ive figured out that my problem is a Stencil Buffer problem but I have no idea what that means. I've tried to Disable the Stencil Buffer option in the launcher, and put in the Java Argument


but still nothing. I opened up the console and it keeps repeating the same thing

[B#339]  [18:15:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: 1286: Invalid framebuffer operation
[B#339]  [18:15:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
[B#339]  [18:15:21] [Client thread/ERROR]: @ Post render


Any Ideas??

I can still run Tekkit and Tekkit Classic but I can't run Tekkit Legends or Blightfall

Edited by Jake_Sawyer
I forgot some info
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