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I can only see the sky in both SP and MP



When I go into a singleplayer or multiplayer world, the game shows nothing but the sky, meaning it's light blue in the day, dark blue at night, and orange in certain places during sunset and sunrise. I can break blocks, and move around, but I can't see anything, not even the ESC menu. After I try to get out of the world by clicking where save and quit would be, the screen turns to pure black. The only "Solutions" I've found were to allocate more RAM or change to 64 bit Java, which are clearly not working for me considering I have 4GB of RAM allocated and am already using 64 bit Java. It worked at one point for no apparent reason, but has broken again and I don't know how fix it again considering that nothing has changed.

A weird thing that might help figure out what is wrong is that the first time I change to fullscreen mode using F11 lets me see the environment like normal for a few seconds, but not my GUI or hand/held tool.

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