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All technic modpacks refuse to recognize my graphics card.



I am using an EVGA NVIDIA GTX 960 4GB card and it is recognized in vanilla Minecraft, however using ANY of the modpacks from the technic launcher, none of them recognize or use my card. Yes, I have gone through the NVIDIA control panel and enabled my GPU as the default for the system, javaw, everything, it does not work. I suspect it has to do with launching from the launcher indirectly instead of straight from the Minecraft launcher or an executable but I can't find a working executable in the .technic folder that doesn't just start the launcher.

This is problematic because with any of the big packs like the Mianite pack I get FPS drops as low as 3, and my FPS never goes above 40, with the most stable frames I get sitting around 7-13, which is problematic in itself. I've scoured tech forums and sites for about 3 days straight with about 6-7 hours of straight searching and have found people with the same unresolved issue but the only "solution" was to enable the NVIDIA card as the default in the control panel, which doesn't work. When this was stated in other forums, it was dismissed and nobody replied to the thread again. I need help with this issue because 13 FPS is unacceptable and I can't play with my friends on their server as a result.

From what I've found online, the issue is not mutually exclusive to NVIDIA cards and happens to AMD users as well.

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