So I've been trying to play a mod called Decimation on a new laptop I got recently. I installed the latest version of Java 8, 64 bit, etc. Initially, on the first few launches, it worked fine, no issues, if a little laggy (Its a mid-low range laptop, nothing special). However, I quit out one day, and tried to boot it back up again, but it now crashes half way through the loading screen. I ran it with the console open, so I've put the whole display from the console into a pastebin. It might be worth mentioning, I tried to launch the modpack using forge and the regular minecraft launcher, but that crashed too, claiming it was an unsupported modified version of the game. I've uninstalled minecraft, tehcnic launcher, java, updated my video drivers, everything I could reasonably think of. Any help?
So I've been trying to play a mod called Decimation on a new laptop I got recently. I installed the latest version of Java 8, 64 bit, etc. Initially, on the first few launches, it worked fine, no issues, if a little laggy (Its a mid-low range laptop, nothing special). However, I quit out one day, and tried to boot it back up again, but it now crashes half way through the loading screen. I ran it with the console open, so I've put the whole display from the console into a pastebin. It might be worth mentioning, I tried to launch the modpack using forge and the regular minecraft launcher, but that crashed too, claiming it was an unsupported modified version of the game. I've uninstalled minecraft, tehcnic launcher, java, updated my video drivers, everything I could reasonably think of. Any help?
Console pastebin:
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