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Cannot login through technic launcher



Launcher Version:

Operating System: OSX 10.8.2

Java Version: Latest - Just DL'd Installed 30 minutes ago

Antivirus Program: none

Description of Problem:

I am unable to log in to Tekkit through the Technic Launcher.

When I try the progress bar says 'Login Failed' and a message then pops up saying 'Would you like to run in offline mode? - Yes - No'

I did a quick search and some reported that it could be due to another using my account, I haven't shared my pass with any one so I have changed it to be sure. But now, using my new pass I get an error message saying that my account could not be authenticated with minecraft.net. Although using my old pass I get the run off line message instead.

This leads me to thinking there is some comm issues with the Technic pack and minecraft.net?

I have tried clearing the cache and restarting my Mac but no joy there...

Error Messages:

see above

Error Log:

03:20:11] [sEVERE]	------------------------------------------

[03:20:12] [sEVERE]	Launcher is starting....

[03:20:12] [sEVERE]	Launcher Build: ''

[03:20:12] [sEVERE]	Allocated 1011.25 Mb of RAM

[03:20:12] [sEVERE]	Java VM: '1.6.0_37-b06-434-11M3909'

[03:20:12] [sEVERE]	OS Version: '10.8.2'

[03:20:12] [sEVERE]	Is 64-bit: 'true'

[03:20:12] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[03:20:13] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[03:20:13] [sEVERE]	Copying: /temp/file4874906412604974376.tmp to: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[03:20:13] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[03:20:13] [sEVERE]	[MD5 Mismatch] File '/launcher/tekkit/modpack.yml' has md5 of '06203d7c3d3d3b6b5658498d7e58e775' instead of 'a153f7d39fc0fb39a6808a6bc40c1909'

[03:20:14] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/modpack.yml'.

[03:20:14] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[03:20:54] [sEVERE]	Rebooting with [java, -Xmx1536m, -classpath, /Applications/Technic Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/launcher/technic-launcher-latest.jar, org.spoutcraft.launcher.Main, -Xdock:name="Technic Launcher", -Xdock:icon=/launcher_icon.icns, -Xdock:name="Technic Launcher", -Xdock:icon=/launcher_icon.icns]

[03:20:55] [sEVERE]	------------------------------------------

[03:20:55] [sEVERE]	Launcher is starting....

[03:20:55] [sEVERE]	Launcher Build: ''

[03:20:55] [sEVERE]	Allocated 1519.375 Mb of RAM

[03:20:55] [sEVERE]	Java VM: '1.6.0_37-b06-434-11M3909'

[03:20:55] [sEVERE]	OS Version: '10.8.2'

[03:20:55] [sEVERE]	Is 64-bit: 'true'

[03:20:57] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[03:20:57] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]	Copying: /temp/file1178790449784292228.tmp to: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]	[MD5 Mismatch] File '/launcher/tekkit/modpack.yml' has md5 of '06203d7c3d3d3b6b5658498d7e58e775' instead of 'a153f7d39fc0fb39a6808a6bc40c1909'

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/tekkit/modpack.yml'.

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]	Error copying file /launcher.properties to /cache/launcher.properties

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]	java.io.FileNotFoundException: /cache/launcher.properties (No such file or directory)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:194)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:145)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at org.spoutcraft.launcher.GameUpdater.copy(GameUpdater.java:424)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at org.spoutcraft.launcher.modpacks.ModPackListYML.setCurrentModpack(ModPackListYML.java:93)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoginForm$1.doInBackground(LoginForm.java:384)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at javax.swing.SwingWorker$1.call(SwingWorker.java:277)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:303)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:138)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at javax.swing.SwingWorker.run(SwingWorker.java:316)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]		at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

[03:20:58] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[03:24:30] [sEVERE]	------------------------------------------

[03:24:30] [sEVERE]	Launcher is starting....

[03:24:30] [sEVERE]	Launcher Build: ''

[03:24:30] [sEVERE]	Allocated 1519.375 Mb of RAM

[03:24:30] [sEVERE]	Java VM: '1.6.0_37-b06-434-11M3909'

[03:24:30] [sEVERE]	OS Version: '10.8.2'

[03:24:30] [sEVERE]	Is 64-bit: 'true'

[03:24:31] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[03:24:31] [sEVERE]	Starting download of 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[03:24:32] [sEVERE]	Copying: /temp/file3052118525102365001.tmp to: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[03:24:32] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[03:24:32] [sEVERE]	[MD5 Mismatch] File '/launcher/tekkit/modpack.yml' has md5 of '06203d7c3d3d3b6b5658498d7e58e775' instead of 'a153f7d39fc0fb39a6808a6bc40c1909'

[03:24:32] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from ''.

[03:24:33] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

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