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Issues with economy plugins


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Hey guys, recently started hosting my own Tekkit Lite server and everything's going great but I'm trying to get a one of the economy plugins going that players can sell excess items to server/shop to buy other more useful things from the server. The issue I'm having is both hyperconomy and the essentials /sell command dont seem to be reading the player inventory. Whenever anyone tries to /sell it will say there is not enough of that item, same when using any form of that command. It does this for any player including OPs. Anyone have any suggestions of why this would be the case?

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Try using the ChestShops plugin. It is compatible with the iron chests mod and works with modded items because it is based on signs. You place a sign on any side adjacent to the chest. The first line of the sign leave blank. This will be automatically filled with your user name. If you want to make an unlimited shop, eg; a public mall, write "admin on the first line. The second line is how many of the item will be bought/sold per click. Just write the number(64=a stack). third line is written like this:

B (how much you want to sell the items for) S (how much you want to buy items from players for)

but without the parentheses. fourth line is the item you want to sell. For vanilla items, type the name. For Tekkit items type the item ID.

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