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We just recently tried a fresh upgrade to Tekkit Lite from Classic. On Classic we easily had up to 3k+ chunks loaded and about 2k entities at a perfect 20 TPS with plenty of buildcraft, IC2, EE, all that. Now we swap to Lite and the same hardware can barely manage 10 TPS with only 5 of us on. The Classic could handle more than 20 at 20 TPS. Am I missing something here or is Lite just horrid compared to Classic performance wise. We have the same plugins with BukkitForge.

They include:





Tekkit Customizer

Any help would be greatly appreciated. All server settings are the same. I don't see why Lite would perform so much worse, I understand it's for "small" servers but not being able to even run with 5 players is pathetic.


Well we fixed the constant low TPS but now we have random dips to around 14 which slowly recover back to 20 over the course of a minute, any ideas?

We disabled Mystcraft and Dimensional Doors as they were leaking. The server will hold a constant 20 TPS for at least an hour then spontaneously dip with the only error being "Can't Keep Up".

Following plugins are online:

Essentials Suite





CraftIRC (Used for X-Server Chat)

Tekkit Customizer

This happens regardless of the amount of players online, we have had about 15 on all day, it dips even if there is just 1 online.

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