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Hi everybody !

I'm trying, without sucess, to set up a Tekkit server.

I've already made a fuctionnal Minecraft server so I know how to redirect port (25565) from my router to my local server and so on.

Config :

Tekkit Server 3.1.2

Port redirect from router (TCP & UDP port 25565)

No-ip software to have a DNS name instead of a (possible) dynamic IP.

Problem :

I can connect to my own local server by adding a new server with the 'localhost' address but my friends can't reach the server using either my IP or the DNS name.

(but they can ping me with success with both !)

If possible, I would like to avoid using external software like Hamachi and so on...

Hope you can help me :/

PS : Hope my English is well enough to be understood ;)


Is your IP set in "server.properties" file your External IP (as in the one you get when you google "What is my IP")?

Can you connect to your server using your External IP instead of localhost?


Thanks for your answer.

In fact, no it's not.

When I tried earlier to add this parameter in my server.properties file, I then cannot connect to my own server Oo

And no, I can't connect to my own server using my external IP address (because you can't ping yourself either ; localhost is the loopback interface)

Can this be the issue ?


Btw, in the Minecraft Wiki, it's highly recommanded to leave the server-ip field empty.

Why does it not work ? Weird, isn't it ?

I did the server install the same way I've done the Minecraft one a few months earlier...


I've found !

I post the answer for anyone with some kind of similar issues.

1) Be sure you're using the latest Java JRE (version 7) by typing "java -version" on a command prompt

2) Be sure your f*cking Windows Firewall isn't blocking what it shouldn't

3) The new TechnicPack.exe file downloadable from the official site DOES NOT WORK with the Tekkit Server 3.1.3 but onl seem to work with the 3.1.2 version so you should select to use the build "3.1.2 (recommanded)" in the client application options.

It's funny because the old TechnicLauncher.exe file (for old users ;)) can't update to the new one but WORK with the 3.1.3 server version.

What a mess to figure it out ! ;o)

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