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Tekkit constantly crashing?



Launcher Version: 3.1.3

Operating System: HP G62-340US Notebook with 3 GB of RAM, x64 OS, Running off of Windows 7 Home Premium

Java Version: Java x64 Version 7 17

Antivirus Program: Norton Antivirus

Description of Problem:

Alright, so I've been having this problem for a while now.

Every time I start up Tekkit, everything seems fine. I get average FPS, no biggie. But within seconds I notice my FPS start to drop, one at a time, until I'm at one. Then, my java crashes, giving me the error message *Internal exception: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset*. Now, I've been looking at countless forums, and I can see that Java is overloading my allocated RAM (2GB). However, this is 2/3 of my entire RAM. Will I need to up my RAM to play Tekkit, or is there a different option?

Also, i see lots of people with this same problem, saying to change a .config file in .tekkitlauncher. However, I can't seem to find this folder anywhere. Is this an issue also?

Error Messages:

Internal exception: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset

Error Log:


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