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Hello, forum.

My name is Red, also known as R³D on the YouTubes. I am recording minecraft as well as other games on my Youtube Channel, youtube.com/redkid911.

I am interested in Voltz, as I believe it would be an interesting medium to record with, however I have a problem. My problem is that I have nobody else to record with, and let's be honest, voltz is hardly any fun to play alone.

If you are interested in an "Audition" please leave a response below with the Following format:

In-Game Name:


Maturity Level:




Skype Name:

First Version of Minecraft you played:

Experience with Tekkit/Voltz:

Youtube Channel:

Do you have a Microphone:

Do you have Teamspeak:

Do you have dedicated time to record:

How fast is your Internet:

Do you Have a Cell-Phone:


So, In the end, it should look like this:

In-Game Name: r3dkid911

Age: 17

Maturity Level: Mature and serious at times, but can point out innuendo.

Gender: Male

Country: United States

Province/State: Indiana

Skype Name: (Keeping a secret as of right now)

First Version of Minecraft you played: Beta 1.2

Experience with Tekkit/Voltz: Able to understand basic machinery

Youtube Channel: youtube.com/redkid911

Do you have a Microphone: Yes

Do you have Teamspeak: Yes

Do you have dedicated time to record: Yes

How fast is your Internet: 54 mb/s

Do you Have a Cell-Phone: Yes

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