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Title: cant open no games

Version: 1_0_3

OS: AMD Athlon II X4 635 Processor

Java Version: Java SE 7u25

Description of Problem:

when i try to open up a game it load and all that when it come to the last loading sceen it stop and leave a bug report but i dont understand what to do for i have try to update java and other stuff to make it work but it wont work and now i have try for some weeks now.. so now i need some prof help

Error Messages:

Error Log:


# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:


#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000007fef582f00e, pid=77620, tid=80404


# JRE version: 7.0_25-b17

# Java VM: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (23.25-b01 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)

# Problematic frame:

# C  [OpenAL64.dll+0x2f00e]  alcProcessContext+0x20bc2


# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows


# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

#   http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp

# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.

# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.


---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------

Current thread (0x0000000019535000):  JavaThread "Thread-19" [_thread_in_native, id=80404, stack(0x0000000028ff0000,0x00000000290f0000)]

siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, ExceptionInformation=0x0000000000000008 0x000007fef582f00e


RAX=0x0000000029525070, RBX=0x0000000029525020, RCX=0x0000000000000000, RDX=0x0000000029525070

RSP=0x00000000290eef18, RBP=0x0000000000000028, RSI=0x0000000029525020, RDI=0x0000000029525070

R8 =0x0000000000000000, R9 =0x0000000000000000, R10=0x0000000000000045, R11=0x0000000000000001

R12=0x0000000000000000, R13=0x0000000000000000, R14=0x0000000000000000, R15=0x0000000000000001

RIP=0x000007fef582f00e, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010246

Top of Stack: (sp=0x00000000290eef18)

0x00000000290eef18:   000007fef580e842 000007fef5824e1c

0x00000000290eef28:   000007fef5810557 0000000700000000

0x00000000290eef38:   0000000000000003 00000000290ef0c8

0x00000000290eef48:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0x00000000290eef58:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0x00000000290eef68:   0000000000000000 0000000019535000

0x00000000290eef78:   00000000290ef0c8 00000006fd3ba718

0x00000000290eef88:   0000000000000000 00000000290ef0c8

0x00000000290eef98:   000082e579de8c3f 0000000019535000

0x00000000290eefa8:   00000000290ef0c8 00000006fd3ba718

0x00000000290eefb8:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0x00000000290eefc8:   000007fef582bef8 0000000000000000

0x00000000290eefd8:   000007fef58083b6 0000000029525020

0x00000000290eefe8:   00000000290ef0a8 0000000029525020

0x00000000290eeff8:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000

0x00000000290ef008:   00000001800062d7 0000000000000000 

Instructions: (pc=0x000007fef582f00e)

0x000007fef582efee:   28 52 65 61 6c 74 65 6b 20 48 69 67 68 20 44 65

0x000007fef582effe:   66 69 6e 69 74 69 6f 6e 20 41 75 64 69 6f 29 00

0x000007fef582f00e:   44 69 72 65 63 74 53 6f 75 6e 64 20 53 6f 66 74

0x000007fef582f01e:   77 61 72 65 20 6f 6e 20 48 f8 6a 74 74 61 6c 65 

Register to memory mapping:

RAX=0x0000000029525070 is an unknown value

RBX=0x0000000029525020 is an unknown value

RCX=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value

RDX=0x0000000029525070 is an unknown value

RSP=0x00000000290eef18 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0000000019535000

RBP=0x0000000000000028 is an unknown value

RSI=0x0000000029525020 is an unknown value

RDI=0x0000000029525070 is an unknown value

R8 =0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value

R9 =0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value

R10=0x0000000000000045 is an unknown value

R11=0x0000000000000001 is an unknown value

R12=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value

R13=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value

R14=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value

R15=0x0000000000000001 is an unknown value

Stack: [0x0000000028ff0000,0x00000000290f0000],  sp=0x00000000290eef18,  free space=1019k

Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)

C  [OpenAL64.dll+0x2f00e]  alcProcessContext+0x20bc2

[error occurred during error reporting (printing native stack), id 0xc0000005]

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)

j  org.lwjgl.openal.ALC10.nalcOpenDevice(Ljava/lang/String;)J+0

j  org.lwjgl.openal.ALC10.alcOpenDevice(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/lwjgl/openal/ALCdevice;+1

j  org.lwjgl.openal.AL.init(Ljava/lang/String;IIZZ)V+12

j  org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(Ljava/lang/String;IIZZ)V+233

j  org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(Ljava/lang/String;IIZ)V+5

j  org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create()V+6

j  paulscode.sound.libraries.LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.init()V+2

j  paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandNewLibrary(Ljava/lang/Class;)V+273

j  paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandQueue(Lpaulscode/sound/CommandObject;)Z+1206

j  paulscode.sound.CommandThread.run()V+51

v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

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