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Title: Chunk Overrides

Version: 1_0_4

OS: Windows 7 64-bit

Java Version: 1.7.0_09

Description of Problem:

Certain chunks seem to be replaced after exiting Limbo or Nether, i.e:

- My game crashed after respawning from Nether after being killed by Pigman (unexpected crash, log was not saved because thought irrelevent), and the chunk in which crops had been situated had been replaced by a different coastline and a battle tower, also erasing my Tinkers Construct workshop

- Shortly after clearing the tower, I found a Rift Blade and used it to enter a pocket dimension, where I then killed myself to get to Limbo and made it to the water at the bottom. Upon reentering the Overworld at a point far away from my house, I made my way back to discover that the main section of my house (which had all of my storage of everything I owned) had been erased, that chunk had been overriden, and ANOTHER battle tower had sprung up.

I'm not sure what is causing this, but I can only guess something with Dimensional Doors.

EDIT: Seeing as how no one has any explanations, I think I may have figured it out myself. I saw another bug report with the same problem, blaming the Secret Rooms mod for the problem. It turns out I had two Secret Doors in my base, not at the same time, in both chunks that were overwritten. The Secret Rooms mod must be the reason for this bug, and if anyone else is to read this I would NOT suggest them to use the Secret Doors included in that mod.

Error Messages:

Error Log:


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