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Secret Rooms Mod - Rerolling Chunks.



Title: Chunk reset.

Version: 1_0_4

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

Java Version: (Version 7 Update 25)

Description of Problem:

There is an issue where chunks reset when playing multilayer. The issue that I have noticed it is coming from is from the Camo mod. If you have the maco blocks which I have noticed it happens from "Secret Trap Door" and "Secret Door" Where when you put them in a chunk after awhile they tend to just reset the whole chunk back to default. This has happened to me 4 times now and I have lost all of my chests do to it. It is ran on a LAN server currently with some of my friends. There is no Error log of it either when it happens it just wipes it back to default.


I would recommend that you should not even use anything within the secret mod do to this current bug in the hexxit mod pack.

Update Log:

8/8/2013 22:41 GMT-8:  Did some bug checking with the Secret doors /trap doors.  When using /home, Dying, Or going through a portal with a secret item next to or in the same chunk of the portal location, home point, bed will cause the chunk that the secret items and adjacent chunks to reload.  With this happening the chunks reset and possible towers spawn.  Along with the chunk reloading at a server default.  [u][b]You will loose EVERYTHING[/b][/u].

8/8/2013 22:50 GMT-8:  Updated topic.

So I would advise every player at least on LAN NOT TO PUT SECRET STUFF!

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Having the same problem on SSP. I've been using the secret redstone as a form of vertical redstone to turn off a soul cage. Regens the chunk the soul cage is in and I have to use creative to fix it... NOT FUN.

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