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Hey everyone!

Does anyone know where I can find a list of all items in Tekkit Classic which I will need to know for a sorting system which will be sorting anything that comes out of a quarry. In other words a whole list of items found underground. For example: Dirt, cobblestone, diamonds, gravel, ruby, uranium.

Also what would be really good is if you could sort them into what can be smelted, what doesn't need to be smelted and non-useful items! But just a list would still be great!

If you end up making one of these that would be great of you!



Typing in ore will get you a lot of the ores in NEI. There's also cobblestone, dirt, marble and gravel as blocks. Besides that there is coal, diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, uranium, redstone, nikolite and tungsten. Pump with bcb pipes into a chest and from there use rp tubes and sorting machines to prevent overflow.

Ores except tungsten can be smelted.

Blocks and gems and coal, dusts, etc. don't need to be

Dirt, cobble, gravel are useless though marble bricks are a good building material


Typing in ore will get you a lot of the ores in NEI. There's also cobblestone, dirt, marble and gravel as blocks. Besides that there is coal, diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, uranium, redstone, nikolite and tungsten. Pump with bcb pipes into a chest and from there use rp tubes and sorting machines to prevent overflow.

Ores except tungsten can be smelted.

Blocks and gems and coal, dusts, etc. don't need to be

Dirt, cobble, gravel are useless though marble bricks are a good building material

Thank you soo much! This really helped!

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