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hello i am using the default "tekkit" pack but instead i have removed a few mods and added ic2. So wheni try to upload the pack it says failed to upload contact modpack author i havnt changed anything besides the mods slighty and im using dropbox. please help me ! I really would enjoy the ability to create modpacks thought with the failing to upload modpack i seem to be doomed.


technic tried multiple times to download the modpack giving no errors besides the stated so it seems to be a problem with the technic trying to download the pack and not that the pack is corrupted in further means such as wrong forge etcc but in other means such as the source or technic itself.



Do not triple post, and avoid double posting - You have an edit button. USE IT.

On to the help:

  1. Remove everything except the modpack.jar from the bin folder (What you did here is technically illegal).
  2. Get rid of the cache folder
  3. The coremods folder is no longer in use, move IC2 to the mods folder.
  4. Get rid of the saves folder
  5. Get rid of the stats folder
  6. Package the bin, config, and mods folder in a .zip file instead of a .rar file.


You may want to update the mods as well.


Ok yes i am sorry thank you for the help that is what i figured on my own. I figured it was illegal but not to much of a problem since im not distributing the product in anysort besides using it myself and i made the pack hidden to start with, sorry for the inconvience have a good day!

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