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Launcher/pack Version: 3.0.3

Operating System: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4

Version of Java: Java SE 7

Description of Problem: My server launches correctly (Note: attempting to use the launch.sh file required me to change the line endings to UNIX) and I can connect, but when mining, there are no ores spawning in the world. Also, when attempting to spawn items using creative mode, /give command, or the built-in items screen, the client crashes or the item does not appear to exist. This only appears to exist on Mac operating systems; when I launch it in Windows, there is no issue.

Error Messages: (Client) End of stream (along with kick), Item (#) does not exist, (Server) java.lang.NullPointerException (along with other accompanying errors in the Terminal)

Link to pastebin of log:


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I was using a server package I downloaded today, and this is my third. So no luck.

EDIT: And this seems to be a server-based problem. Using the give command on Tekkit items doesn't work on the server, either.

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