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Everything posted by spikeyboy123

  1. Skype me spikeyboy321 and I can show you my server, i have a few videos ( 60)) ready to upload to you tube. My YouTube name is Mrspikeyboy123
  2. yep, UK. Im away this weekend and monday (till 4-ish) so dont expect a reply till then.
  3. however.....I can record and upload and host a server. Add me on skype, spikeyboy123 and ta da, lets plays.( Im 13 and good and tekkit/techic by the way)
  4. This may not just be tekkit but my server log keeps saying' [Warning] **** failed to bind to port [Warning] The exeption was: java.net.Bindexeption: address already in use: JUM_bind [warning] perhaps another server is running on that port? there is a bit more after it with [severe]'s where the warning's where before. There is no ohter server sunning.
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