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About yummy_syrup

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

yummy_syrup's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. arghh I'm completely confused now the mods aren't in my minecraft folder?
  2. I'm not asking you to change your new launcher system. I like it a lot, its just a little different. What I'm asking, if theres a way to select which mods I want to install. (and also theres no need for that language)
  3. I have tried, so many times. I get a white screen or error message every time I try to load MC with buildcraft supposedly installed. Yes, I've got mod loader, forge etc. I've asked on pretty much all related forums, (MCforums, buildcraft forums etc) and they've all either said make sure you've got modloader/forge, or deleted META INF, which I have. i've followed tutorials and instructions for mac to the word, and it still doesn't work. I used to use technik as an automated way of installing it, with no hassle. now however, with your new not-real minecraft launcher, I can't.
  4. I want a simple way of installing BUILDCRAFT and running it on my computer (mac OSX 10.7.3) (I used to use technic as a easy way to install buildcraft) I want an Installer to mod my Minecraft Client rather than a launcher that runs a "second game" along side the main client. I purely want to install buildcraft and buildcraft only, very simply, in the main game rather than your own launcher. please, hear me.
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