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Posts posted by The_DarthMoogle

  1. I'm still searching for the perfect FPS. Problem is, there's so damn many subgenres.

    ArmaII is an awesome game... modded. The base game is still relatively buggy and doesn't have much going for it. Get ACE2, and things get funky.

    Planetside 2 is shaping up to be frakking amazing, despite the swathes of PS1 vets turning up to complain. Currently it is actually far too balanced, but we'll see.

    CoDBlOps2 is by far the best in the series. Treyarch were always good at throwing spanners in the works. Although I must admit, it's a marmite kinda thing.

    Tribes Ascend nail'd it, but I don't have the urge to play it enough. Could be as simple as the art style, I dunno.

  2. If you mean pickle then say pickle. Personally I don't like pickle chutney, but it's better than green tomato chutney I guess :P

    And miracle berries wouldn't work on pickles ;(

    No, green tomato pickle, asshat.

  3. You say "your server". Is that strictly true?

    If yes, then I can't help you.

    If no, then the version of Tekkit this server is using does not match the one you are booting up from the launcher.

    That is, if they're even using Tekkit at all.

    Find out what they are doing from them.

  4. Okay. I wanna find strongholds so bad but I only got two eyes of ender. How do?

    Like this.

    Imagine from birds-eye-view that the Minecraft world is a big graph of X and Y. Oh wait, it is. So for all subsequent coordinate geometry, use the X and Z values given to you within Minecraft. I will refer to Z as Y.

    Let A be the point at which an Eye of Ender is thrown, and let B be the point at which it lands. Do this two times, on level ground. Let D be the distance between A1 and A2

    Let S mark the spot where your stronghold is.

    Let vectors





    We seek S, where the relationship can be defined as

    S=A1+k1V1 where k1 is unknown.

    We can substitute to give us


    Therefore D=[V1V2][k1,k2]

    Now it gets tricky.


    so we can find k1

    k1=(A2x-A1x)V2y-(A2y-A1y)V2x / V1xV2y-V1yV2x

    now we can dump that into our original X equation to get our solution!

    S=A1+{(DxV2y-DyV2x) / (V1xV2y-V1yV2x)}V1

    It's late, so I won't be going through the trigonometry required to locate the other two strongholds quite yet, so stay tuned!

    (The moral of the story, I really needed a bloody subscript button on the Rich Text editor)

  5. These are the rings from Equivalent Exchange. The tell was the rain going on and off, shooting the Evertide Amulet or the blue Ring of Arcana into the sky will do that.

    These rings are also capable of creating lava and water source blocks.

    As for how to combat them, there are multiple server related threads detailing fixes and rollback methods.

    Although I would just ban them outright; they serve little purpose other than doing harm.

  6. Yo, you could always check out the...

    whitelisted server section.

    A good indicator of whether a server is safe for you to stay is the ratio of random conversation in the thread to people whining about their stuff getting griefed.

    Other than that, judging a community will always take time. Find a server with your prequisite plugins etc. then determine whether the admin is an asshat or not.

    Then just play for a while.

  7. You really need to bring this up with the server owner.

    This is a Railcraft error that will eventually destroy the server.

    Tell the owner to delete the railcraft.dat

    There are other methods, but I am not anyone's personal Google.

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