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Everything posted by Airoch4

  1. /golfclap racingpro, MechaCrash, bwillb; thanks for the posts guys LOL amazing!
  2. I was just lamenting the loss of some of my favorite mods from the Technic pack in the past iterations. I am jazzed beyond telling at the inclusion of Thaumcraft 2, and I'm happy to see a lot of my favorite mods are still around and kicking, but just the same... When I first stumbled upon Technic, it was at version 5.9... or somesuch. It had at a stable (enough) state the Zeppelin, Millenaire, the old EE, and there was still wiggle room enough to go in there and add Power Converters myself with the proper tweaking. I had spawned next to a house in a forest, full of bandits who attacked immediately, who I dispatched and knocked out the wall in their basement for instant loot and instant base. I tunneled and cleared out massive spaces underground to store water for my Buildcraft machines, built a Zeppelin with things in the right spot so that I could pop out a block in the bottom to lower a pipe to pump oil and drill for resources, and carry it all back and run the pumps to pull it all down into my subterranean base. I would fly over Millenaire villages and drill right through the roofs to find minerals if I wanted to. I was around for when the launcher came out, and I was totally excited for the increase in stability and modularity it promised. But I missed my zeppelins. Then come time the Millenaire mod was dropped. Now I couldn't even torment my pathetic nearby neighbors... or, you know, help them or whatever. This all got me thinking... Where was the notification for these mods getting dropped? Did I miss the memo? Was there something somewhere that said why they were not in anymore? This is more for my own curiosity and nostalgia than anything else. I really enjoy the Technic Pack as it is today, and I know I can load up the old version just fine. But if anybody knows where I can find the message, on a board or email or youtube video anywhere that explains why these were dropped, I'd have some closure and be thankful.
  3. We all live in the same yellow submarine.

  4. I see you are getting Paragon points

  5. I'm seeing a lot of renegade points racking up on you...

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