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Posts posted by killerx09

  1. I personally prefer picking those who are permitted to boost their popularity by using IC² in their modpack.

    As well, I (ab)use the permission-giving to ensure all IC²-modpacks are "forced" to have RP in as well. ("forced", because so far there was only a single modpack request which was about a modpack not containing RP. Which got added upon my request)

    Dude, have you ever tried making cooling cells, or any other component in a nuclear reactor? Those things are a pain to make if you need to remove them out one by one. I'm actually happy that RP is packaged with IC.

  2. Speaking for myself, I haven't seen a list of permissions for Technic from the modders. To be honest, I doubt one exsists. I'm still using Technic anyway, for the sole reason that it would take me hours to go through the mods and install them manually, then correcting the IDs in order to play online with my friends.

    If the modpack slowpoke is making is of a higher quality, (which, looking at DW server let's play, is) and is easy to install as Technic, I will without hesitant move to the slowpoke pack.

    EDIT: I'll hate it if it's called Feed the Beast modpack though.

  3. I'll be staying neutral here, guys.


    The majority of the Technic community goes along the idea that "The end justifies the means." This basically means that if the end product is of a benefit to everyone, it generally is accepted.

    The Technic Pack was unplanned when it was being made. Like numerious times mentioned before, it was a mod pack on the something awful for his friends before the Yogscast came in and made it publicly known. The rest is pretty much history.


    If you truly want to get Technic to be a legitimate modpack, I suggest having a few chats with Slowpoke.

    Off-Topic, Slowpoke, what is the official name for the modpack anyway?

    EDIT: @ noonespecial1:

    They care because they were the ones to make the mods. Imagine you go and spend hours upon hours making something. Then it suddenly gets taken by a bunch of people who then uses it again without your permission. I know I would be angry.

  4. What I'm about to say might be quite controversial , but if Kaker wanted to, he could possibly retire the whole Technic pack if FTB proves to be of superior quality while being as easy to install as Technic. He dreamt of a modpack that included the best quality mods in an easy to install launcher, and from the sounds of it FTB sounds to be like that. Heck, maybe the FTB may end up in the Technic launcher one day.

    Who knows?

  5. Link to the article in question : http://www.feed-the-beast.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5

    For the lazy

    So over the last few days and weeks there has been a lot of comments made about mod packs, the pack we are producing and the obvious comparison to technic and tekkit. My own personal feelings are reasonably public as to those packs. However I am endlessly reading statements from players on both sides which contain inaccurate statements. This post is mainly going to be focused on clearing up some of those innaccuracies. So if anyone reads stuff in the future from people who dont really have a clue whats going on, maybe you can point them towards this.

    Before I start, I would like to make absolutely clear that I do not speak for any mod maker in this. These are my own personal observations and parts of them may be inaccurate. Feel free to correct me IF you can provide a substantive source for your correction.

    OK lets start with the first most obvious question. Is technic and tekkit legal.

    I am not a legal expert by any means and I have had different people tell me different things. However I have always sought to find out for myself what the truth is. In this regard, it boils down to something called derivative copyright. I have tried looking up information on this and the only real semi reliable posting I have found is on the unreal wiki


    Whether the copyright is valid seems to be decided on whether or not Mojang implicitly gives permissions for modder to actually mod minecraft. The Minecraft terms and conditions are slightly shaky on this, but overall it appears yes it does. As referenced under the what you can do rule of the terms and conditions


    So unless someone can show me otherwise, I have to believe that modders hold a derivative copywrite on their work and that includes

    the exclusive right to reproduction,

    the exclusive right to derivative works,

    the exclusive right to distribution and

    the exclusive right to public performance and display.

    In the case of Mod Packs, the important part obviously is the exclusive right to distribution.

    So now we have this information, are technic and tekkit legal. Well again I havent just taken other peoples words for this. I have literally gone through every single mod in the mod pack and in the cases where general permissions for inclusion in mod packs isnt given in the respective threads, I have approached the actual mod authors for their views. So the answer to the question is No they do not have a full set of permissions, however they are REALLY close to it. From the best of what I can gather, they are at most missing permissions for 3 maybe 4 mods. All the other mods in the pack either give general consents to all packs or the author doesnt care enough about technic or tekkit to say yes or no.

    So what is the big huge problem. Well from my own personal point of view the legalities aside its down to pure respect. I want to very quickly reference something here.


    This isnt hearsay or anything like that, these are Kakermix's own words. This is one mod maker very clearly stating in public that technic does not have consent to use the mod and yet they continue to do so. I see no possible valid excuse for this. Whether or not it is legal, it is damn sure disrespectful to the creator. The following line from post number 65 is very informative

    'I did not get permission from anyone and I didn't even bother asking. The Minecraft modding community is terrible and the egos some of the modders themselves have is incredibly terrible. I simply made this pack because I love these mods and want other people to experience them as well with as little work on their part as possible.'

    And yet just 3 posts earlier we see a post that contains the line

    'Nobody knows that we are friends with Eloraam, or that Ablaka was the first to give us permission, or that Xenophobe has always been thankful for us, or that Technic and the Yogscast is directly responsible for Thaumcraft being created.'

    They are right in one thing nobody does know any of the information in that sentence, because quite frankly (and yes I have spoken directly to the Mod Authors) that sentence belongs in the Fiction Section of the local library.

    Now having said all this, there are a few other things that I believe need to be made clear. Technic and Tekkit are really good ideas, there was a time a while back Where some of the modders tried to talk to the guys behind technicpack to resolve the issues. Attempts were made and they got nowhere. At the time this was no huge surprise because they still had one major hurdle to get over and that was the policies of Risugami with regards to the re-distribution of ModLoader. I have no idea if Technic had consent. However I can tell you that the response that we were given is that it is or was Risu's policy that you could re-distribute ModLoader as long as you did not ask permission to re-distribute it. As soon as you asked for permission, those implied permissions were revoked (unless you happened to catch Risu on a good day. I do know a couple of people who were given permission.) This was fine but this information wasnt conveyed anywhere. This meant that pretty much all mod packs that used launchers were breaking at the very least the minecraft forum rules which state that you have to have clear written permissions to promote your pack on the minecraft forums.

    Getting back to the point. Technic and Tekkit as a pack are good idea's they are just implemented by people who generally dont care about the makers of the mods. They hide behind the line of 'We dont advertise permissions because it is pointless and if you dont believe us then well whatever.' This however does not apply to the users of the Techniclauncher. At the end of the day they just want the same thing as everyone else in this thread. An easy way to play Minecraft with mods without having to mess around. Further, when they play on servers, they want to be able to just give their friends a link say run this and let go screw around on a server. Thats what technic and tekkit provide and until now they have never really had anything serious in the way of competition. But we are not out to Get technic or have them burn in the fires of hell. We are just here to provide an alternative. Primarily I built a mod pack so people could easily play my maps. Now the mod pack is there so people can just enjoy playing minecraft the way I like to play it.

    Before I finish off there is one other important point I would like to make here. Maybe correcting the biggest misconception there is with regards to the users of Technic and Tekkit. and that is adfly links. The reason mod makers dont want to see their mods in technic and tekkit is not because of some obscure belief that they want to protect and preserve the incomes they derive from these links. Whilst those incomes are helpful to some, it is not the be all and end all. However I can tell everyone this which should hopefully prove this point. I have spoken to a lot of the mod makers that are included in the FTB pack. Not just over the last week, but over the last several months. In that entire time with only one exception, every modmaker has not only granted me permission to use the mods in the mod pack but a lot of them have also been completely supportive in actually helping to add features needed.

    My assumption is that if what the technic people say has been true all along, then they would be in full support of this mod pack and what we are trying to achieve. After all we all want the same thing, we are just going about it in different ways.

    Anyways this is already FAR to long. However I hope it is slightly informative to at least a few people.


    So, what do you guys think?

  6. . I suppose he is all about the money above all else, but it really rustles my jimmies when people are lazily dishonest about things.

    Eh, as far as I know, he dosn't run advertisements on his videos, and neither does he even have a donation link in his let's play thread.

    I honestly think Direwolf is a simple man who just wants to stay out of trouble and enjoy minecraft.

    If I recall during the Q-Tubers charity stream Notch asked him if he had used it, and he didn't say much.

    Does anyone have a link to this?

  7. I'm just squishing in my opinion about the behavior of the modding community here.

    I think it has somewhat to do with the mentality of the average minecraft player.

    So pretend you build a mansion, then someone takes it and post a video about it, with credits and link given to you.

    Then, you'll get all defensive and stuff, claiming that it's your mansion, etc.

    I really don't know how to put this into better terms.

  8. I agree, most of their arguments are either based upon flawed logic and they spout their opinions as fact or misinformation. I don't know whether to be angry or sad tbh.

    EDIT: I keep reading all this talk of Kaker and the like using mods without the permission of the modders, I haven't been following Technic/Tekkit since the beginning but from what i can see this isn't really an issue, they clearly provide support for the mods as well as direct links to the donations page of the modders, I don't see why it's such a big issue because the Technic team take no money from this pack, and host this site and the downloads page at a loss. >_>


    That would be enough to blow a hole in any of the modder's budget.

  9. I needed a way to get ice blocks from nothing, so snow men were solution. Do you know if you can get ice blocks any other way by chance, it has to use no resources that's all...

    The zero ring from EE can be used in a deployer to deploy snow blocks which can be used as a substitute for snowman. Making ice in an energy condenser also works.

    But that's only if you have EE enabled.

  10. blah blah blah blah blah blah (well, the comments section anyway). blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

    Well, we know now why he's like that. He came from the youtube comments.

  11. solar energy to fabricate everything. I go on a server where one of the admins who has never spawned an item once, never has to mine, not even with quarries. how? He has a billion solar panels that power mass fabricators

    And guess where he made the solar panels; he spawned them ::)

    Seriously, there's no way you would get THAT solar panels to power a mass fabricator that fast, especially if you don't have leftover dirt/cobblestone to feed it scrap.

  12. For those who want a laugh at flowerchild for a bit


    Some choice quotes here.

    "FlowerChild quickly gets to the heart of the matter:

    -I can't stand working with Eloraam.

    I have nothing but respect for SpaceToad, but Eloraam's ever increasing trend of ripping-off functionality from other major Forge mods, and dominating the development of what was supposed to be a communal API to suit her own development agenda, turning it into this bloated mass that only she's able to maintain, is just not something I have any desire to collaborate with."

    "Gilberreke wrote:

    It is a technical thing too, a lot of recent Forge edits have become largely pervasive to the game and compatibility with other mods, just for the sake of having complex RedPower features.

    ^^^^ This ^^^^

    ......, which also leads to her being the only person that knows how the whole thing works, and whom is capable of maintaining it.

    We got into big arguments about that when the Forge first came together, but I eventually conceded, which in retrospect, was a huge mistake."

    "she's using tile entities for everything and hardly consuming block ids as a result. That's cool and all, and it was a very smart move given the trade-offs she's willing to make, but is that better?" (Personal comment: Duh)

    "So after the lengthy series of personal attacks on Eloraam over a number of posts, we finally learn the real reason behind his withdrawal from Forge: it's about 'coming out "on top" of the Minecraft mod scene.'"

    "His claim to be uninterested in profits might be more credible if his mod was open source. But it's not."

    "So while he's unwilling to have Better Than Wolves be reliant on Minecraft Forge, he intends to implement his own API so that other mods can be dependent on his."
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