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Everything posted by Oblivion

  1. We're playing the SacredLabyrinth SMP mod now on the normal technic launcher. IP has not changed and is still
  2. We're playing the SacredLabyrinth SMP mod now on the normal technic launcher. IP has not changed and is still
  3. Rico changed the server to the better running YogCraft installed with the FTB Launcher. IP has not changed and is still For more information see the image.
  4. Ok guys, sorry for the huge delay with replies to your posts, but the server was toast for some time now and Rico and myself were both busy with some personal endeavors. Server is fixed now again and running a test with the heavy loaded Big Dig Pack at the moment. We hope that they're still people looking at our server post for a game to play and else we'll have to build up anyone's trust up again ofcourse. Keep in mind that this is still a testing zone on the server, because Big Dig Pack is not without it problems yet. Hope to see any older members back online agian soon for a little game of minecraft!
  5. Ok guys, sorry for the huge delay with replies to your posts, but the server was toast for some time now and Rico and myself were both busy with some personal endeavors. Server is fixed now again and running a test with the heavy loaded Big Dig Pack at the moment. We hope that they're still people looking at our server post for a game to play and else we'll have to build up anyone's trust up again ofcourse. Keep in mind that this is still a testing zone on the server, because Big Dig Pack is not without it problems yet. Hope to see any older members back online agian soon for a little game of minecraft!
  6. The server is now running VOLTZ 1.0.12! http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/voltz-1-0-12-the-oblivion-server-pvp-20-slots-bukkit-no-mods-removed-24-7.38764/
  7. server is running on version 1.0.12 with bukkit on ip ( no port )
  8. The Oblivion Server We are a small community and are trying to expand our server with more friendly people. The server is located in the Netherlands and is online 24/7 with 4 operators for maintenance. At this moment the server can hold up to 20 slots for smooth game play. The server is open for now, so no application is necessary to join. Server Information IP address : Processor : Intel Quad core Memory : 6GB DD3 OS : Ubuntu Linux Rules - Swearing (not to much, than it's ok. we don't really care) - No cheats - No asking for items Banned items - There are no banned items ! Plugins used - ClearLag - Essentials - WorldEdit - WorldGuard Application form No need... just join! Visual introduction of the server The new spawn pictures will be added later when we are done building the thing. And yeah... it's gonna be a thing... a huge something!
  9. Voltz of the Oblivion - Server Update: New IP address : - Server update: We changed the server to VOLTZ 1.0.12. It will also be an open server for now. We're still not fully sure if we will return to a whitelist server running Tekkit in the future. Just check in and let's play with some rocket launchers for a while! We are a small community and are trying to expand our server with more friendly people. The server is located in the Netherlands and is online 24/7 with 2 operators for maintenance. At this moment the server can hold up to 20 slots for smooth game play. The server is open for now, so no application is necessary to join. Server Information IP address : Processor : Intel Quad core Memory : 6GB DD3 OS : Ubuntu Linux Rules - Swearing (not to much, than it's ok. we don't really care) - No cheats - No asking for items - No stealing Banned items - Nuke Plugins used - ClearLag - Essentials - WorldEdit - WorldGuard Application form No need... just join! Visual introduction of the server The new spawn pictures will be added later when we are done building the thing. And yeah... it's gonna be a thing... a huge something!
  10. Added to the white-list: - zomblekiller51 - Devill Questions, please keep them to a minimum and don't spam the chat. New server rule is 1 question is fine. 2 questions gets anoying. 3 questions something bad will happen to you...
  11. Posted on Oct 31, 2012 Posted on Feb 1, 2013 Wow, this conversation goes back and forth for 3 months now? Why wasting your time on something that is not even a debate anymore. Banned means banned and it's ks7's choice, if someone likes it or not. Please jared, do not ever try doing this again OK. It's disrespectful to any server owner who reads it and will not make you popular with others.
  12. OK, that was the last discussion reply on this page between you guys. The next one will get reported to the staff. Jared, you're whitelisted and welcome to play on this server. Enjoy your stay mate.
  13. Resolved and repaired the lag problem. I needed to remove a huge chunk of blocks near the spawn with a machine gone wild in it. Now there's a beautiful hole in the world.
  14. Added to the white-list: - C4MO_Sniper - killzombies123 - B1uedog - gershonlev - jkesner123 - Falkaga Questions, please keep them to a minimum and don't spam the chat. New server rule is 1 question is fine. 2 questions gets anoying. 3 questions something bad will happen to you...
  15. Added to the white-list: - CrazyDrLove - silentjokeking - yognaughtbrad_ - agatequinnyboy Questions, please keep them to a minimum and don't spam the chat. New server rule is 1 question is fine. 2 questions gets anoying. 3 questions something bad will happen to you...
  16. Yes, we're making some big changes this weekend and maybe make this an open server. We need to make it more fun for everyone. Don't worry, the map doesn't change or reset.
  17. Wassup cmuff! Good to see you're making a comeback. Rico and me always enjoyed playing on your server. We're running a dedicated server for a couple of months now and it's a time consuming hobby for sure. Hope all goes well mate. Like Borat tells it best " Is nice... Is a good, but I have... seen bigger. Wa wa wee wa! " DeusEx (totalprogress)
  18. randomgrenades2 & genovesa are added to the whitelist.
  19. Onnie you are added to the whitelist Zie graag iemand uit Nederland op de server, veel plezier !!!
  20. Oblivionitus & Lemondew are added to the whitelist, have fun guys !
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