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Everything posted by Oblivion

  1. Added to the white-list: - garjul88 - pato11235 - beck_lighthing Welcome to the server of the Oblivion! Any questions, ask RicoSlovaco or TotalProgress.
  2. Added to the white-list: - Ahbuzer - krakasb009 - god_chris Welcome to the server of the Oblivion! Any questions, ask RicoSlovaco or TotalProgress.
  3. Wassup! The server is back online and needed a fresh start. Don't ask us how it happened exactly, but the server world files were totally F'd.

    We're giving all members creative mode for rebuilding all the stuff they owned, so don't think we are just gonna leave you in the cold.

    See you soon mate...

  4. Server Update: Server is almost back online. We restarted the server fresh and start over again. Members will be helped rebuilding all the stuff they owned.
  5. Server Update: We are re-installing the server at the moment because there was a system crash. We hope to solve the problem very soon and hope we can save the world map and builds of all members. Yesterday i tried to remove a cluster build up of blocks inside the game and found myself totally stuck. After disconnecting from the server, it crashed and we don't really understand yet why i doesn't start up again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  6. Hey techdawgv, we are checking the extreme lag problem you've got on the moment at your home set point. Please, if you read this or come online, than try to contact us and tell us exactly what you've build, so we can figure it out. OK, hope you're up to speed soon. TotalProgress (DeusEx)
  7. Hey techdawgv, we are checking the extreme lag problem you've got on the moment at your home set point. Please, if you read this or come online, than try to contact us and tell us exactly what you've build, so we can figure it out. OK, hope you're up to speed soon. TotalProgress (DeusEx)

  8. IGN = the name you see inside minecraft, without it, it's impossible to add you to the white-list.
  9. Server Update: Banned users jimboba12 and ashyb0y for cheating. jimboba12 white-listed ashyb0y, than made him op also and both tp-ed to my location starting giving themselves grief items. I de-op-ed and banned both players. Let this be a warning for other players who are bored of the game and start doing stupid stuff. Please just uninstall the game in the future and grow up.
  10. You're on the white-list, welcome! About your age, don't really care how old anyone is. Just remember that the staff are 31 and 34, but they still act like a bunch of 10 year old's sometimes. So you're save.
  11. You're on the white-list, welcome! About your age, don't really care how old anyone is. Just remember that the staff are 31 and 34, but they still act like a bunch of 10 year old's sometimes. So you're save. This is my profile photo, so you see what i mean.
  12. We are adding some plugins atm. Server will be online in +/- 30 min
  13. Theholypheonix Welcome to the server of the Oblivion ! Any questions, ask Ricoslovaco or totalprogress.
  14. pin1197 Welcome to the server of the Oblivion ! Any questions, ask Ricoslovaco or totalprogress.
  15. Architect12345 klararakel Welcome to the server of the Oblivion !
  16. Suicide_Bunny_8 techdawgv added to the white list, welcome and have fun :)
  17. Info : We will be installing new plugins on 24 november, there will also be a spawn fix. Please let us know if you are having any connection or other problems on the server. P.S. o1do121 thanks for your message, it should be working good now
  18. T5unami MyFly Kingolly999 Somark28 added to the whitelist, welcome to the server of the Oblivion
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