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Everything posted by Dolan

  1. I'll add 3 second delays to teleporting.
  2. PvP protection is removed, crashes have been fixed and server is 1.3.3.
  3. Tandaare I wrote your name down for future reference :)
  4. Dolan

    Hey Jay would you be able to moderate my server listing? http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/3-1-2-novus-ordo-anarchy-pvp-griefing-open-30-no-banned-items.30550/

  5. About Novus Ordo Anarchy (N.O.A): N.O.A is a new server that aims to provide an unrestricted server for Tekkit. This goal is achieved by not banning items and appropriate counter-measures against exploits to ensure you get the best Tekkit experience. Notable plugins: WorldBorder: This goes from -10,000 to 10,000 to keep the server competitive. Additional details: Useful commands: /tpa /tpahere /sethome Server uptime: 24/7 with a dedicated server. Rules: 1. No hacked clients. 2. Play fair. 3. Respect staff and their decisions. Server IP: To apply for moderator: Ingame name: How would you moderate the server? What is your experience as a moderator? Why do you want to be a moderator? What Timezone are you in?
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