hmm. that's interesting. I exploded in a mix of gem and red matter armour when Slimer was around. I thought it was perculiar. Didn't think it could be a hack.
The faction information is down or reset. a lot of mess has occurred as claimed has gone. I'd recommend a rollback but it really depends on you and what other information you have. I'll just say my bit and be done with it. My area was claimed and protected. but since factions cleared, may land has been claimed and raided. which would be fair except no one should be able to get in if it's claimed. That's the issue. The faction plugin either reset or failed.
Ah it appears the Minecraft Session servers are down. So no multiplayer for a while. Information from here and here
hey J_q_a, i've had a go at sever making, do you have any idea how to turn off protection for the spawn. I've got Essentials, permissionEx, and world edit installed.