My base consists of two floating islands that are connected with a bridge (with a glass fiber cable in it). One with 10 nuclear reactors on it and the other one has my house/everything else. I have 2 forcefields (with block breaker, zapper, and camo upgrades) completely encasing both islands, a mffs tube projector allowing save passage between reactor island and main island, and one that is controlled by a password system using 3 computer craft computers and rednet. all the forcefield are powered by the one forcefield core.
Then my friend (who I am at war with) comes along and walks straight through the bloody thing!
I have no idea how he did it, and i didn't see him do it (it took less than 30 seconds), but he somehow got thought the forcefield and then proceeded to detonate 25 nukes.
Does anyone know how he might have got in, but more to the point, how I can set up my forcefield so he cant get in. I also don't understand why there isn't a complete guide to making a forcefield that can do more than look cool. I have looked around the Internet and have see some people saying you need a couple of forcefields with a 1 block gap between them, but i don't understand how i can place 3 mffs projectors in the same block, or am i missing something?