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About Supergnash

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Supergnash's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: Supergnash Age: 17 From: UK Reason: I want a lag free, tekkit server without too much craziness messing up the gameplay
  2. - Minecraft Name: Supergnash - Tekkit Classic Experience: Lots. And lots. But not enough. I know IC, BC, RC, and a little EE as well as a bit of everything else. - Age: 16 (Also how old are you? It might be awkward if there was a big age gap.) - How long have you been looking for a server like this?: Ever since tekkit first came out I've been looking for a good server to join, but I I've only really started looking a few weeks ago. - Why do you want to play this server?: Too many plug-ins and too much griefing on big servers. Plus I like to get to know people. - Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?:I've been a mod on a vanilla server before, but that was quite small. - If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: If there were a lot of people online other than them I would probably stay out of it, but otherwise I would just try stop them somehow. - Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react?: To be honest, I would probably argue for a bit unless I was told to do something in which case I would just do it and apologize, but I don't see that happening anyway. Also, just want to say I love the idea of underground EE. I don't like using it much, but it is useful, so this could be a fun way to get around that :D
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