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Everything posted by tenda

  1. I have this problem as well and disabling the anti virus and updating java does not fix the issue.
  2. i was having exact same problem but downgrading my client seemed to fix the problem.
  3. this happened to me as well today
  4. i have rei map entities and cave mapping enabled. The problem is that whenever someone joins it announces to that person that they are enabled. i was wondering if there is a way to make ti so it does not announce itself or so that only op enabled people see it. i am using the realmotd mod. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/realmotd/ i have read the configuration documentation he shows but i was not quite able to make it happen without totally disabling the mod. does anyone know how i can fix this?
  5. you have to set the hot key to enable so when in game press " . " and then go to keyconfig and set enable entities radar. i st mine to " ' "
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