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Everything posted by Draceroth

  1. Minecraft Username: Draceroth Have you ever been banned, if so, why?: Nope What do you plan to do on the server: Mine, mine, mine some more, mine again....then finally build something epic. Do you have any previous experience with tekkit? If so, what?: Been on Minecraft for almost 2 years but I've been playing around with all manners of tekkit for 9 months now and just trying to see the most efficient and crafty ways of doing things.
  2. Ingame Name: Draceroth Age: 25 Tekkit Experience: Yes Amount Played: 1.5 years Minecraft, 5 months Tekkit Tell us why you would like to play on our server: Been playing Minecraft for over a year with close friends on their servers but never a public one. I'd like to try yours because there is plenty of room to grow and I think its time to join a bigger community and help build something great and epic. That and your map is frellin' awesome! Previous Bans: Never been banned
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