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Everything posted by williamjcousins

  1. Username: ELfluffybunz Never been banned wanna play with my buddy gragous been playing MC for over a year and been playing tekkit for 4-6 months still wanna learn all I can about it
  2. O.o wait what?! I haven't been on in awhile due to the holidays so idk what grag has been up to. what were the entities?
  3. LOL i know XD it's like it's begging to be built in a game and not in real life It's gonna be a bitch to make though with all the bricks....
  4. This is the building I am going to make for the server when I come back. Be ready for some awesomeness
  5. I wish i could get on the server but my comp has died D: I'm posting this so you all know that I haven't abandoned my home I'm just incapable of coming on :/ During this time though I will be doing a lot of studying up on Tekkit builds and stuff and when I return it will hopefully be with some epic stuff ready for the server (I already found a build on making a 3 way switch system for a elevator with railcraft and red power.) If anyone needs to contact me send me a PM and I will try as much as I can to respond to you. Remember the Fluffy Internet loves you all <3
  6. Arach just saying the fluffy internet loves you
  7. ._. uhm am I white listed and I posted that after being awake for 48 hours it's amazing it is even legible XD
  8. Minecraft Name: ELfluffybunz Age: 20 Location: New England, USA Minecraft Experience: 2 years total play time Why you would like to join the community here at SilliTekkit: Because I'm tired of being restricted in playing tekkit and don't wanna play alone D: Do you have any bans on record? nope and I have proof!! http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/3b21c5a8dc4ba8aaee8c4c5e5a198eaeb0dc9bc4/ELfluffybunz How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit? So long as you guys will have me on here :D
  9. IGN: ELfluffybunz Reason for wanting to become a member?: I wanna learn and play more with EE with a buddy of mine and see more Tekkit servers Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: Of course!! I ran my own server for a small time I wouldn't wanna see someone else's hard work destroyed!!!
  10. In game name: ELfluffybunz Age: 20 Location: Connecticut, USA Minecraft experience to date: 2 Years Why do you want to play on our server: I have been playing tekkit on another server and have been looking for a new one to join so I can learn more about EE with a buddy of mine. I'm an expert builder and a expert explorer so I will do my best to help the server in any way possible.
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