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About Saffen

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Saffen's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Well then I can also generate energy with solar panels, water mills etc by being afk - I was interested in generate mass energy while actually playing the game :)
  2. How do you keep the nether loaded without being there though? does chunk loaders (Teleport Tethers / Railcraft Anchors) now load both "worlds" ?
  3. How can you not use computercraft?! its amazing!
  4. I have had pumps stop working on occasion, but a server restart has always sorted it for me. Edit: It is however the reason I stopped using combustion/steam/biofuel engines as I didn't want stuff to blow up due to pumps failing randomly.
  5. Only time I ever had a pipe drop items unintentionally (aka due to me not messing up ) was when a block was unloaded due to no chunkloader. Once that was placed, quarries + pipes runs fine even when no one is online. Usually I use teleport pipes from the quarries -> sorting room, but the sorting room is all reg pipes, and never seems to drop anything when I'm offline. I guess I am just lucky then! Does it happen with both type of pipes? or only the BC ones? aka, would using RP tubes solve it?
  6. Nope, not entirely. Computercraft needs to be extracted to a new folder (to get it working) and when you do that, it turns bundled cables functionality off because it changes load-order of the mod. The fix I came up with (which seems to be working btw) is to have two Computercraft folders - with same name, just one with uppercase C and one with lower.
  7. Also note that some mods will behave odd due to file nameing. Mainly computercraft from what I recall, and some id conflicts will pop up due to the load order being different on ubuntu, I got mine working, but was a pain in the a..
  8. My chunkloader blocks work fine when the server is empty. Sounds like the chunk the pipe which drops items is placed in is simply not loaded. My suggestion is to use teleport pipes though, as that cuts down on the amount of chunkloaders you have to place if your quarry is not located near the end destination for your resources.
  9. I managed to update my own server with the 1.3 ComputerCraft version, obviously you need to do it both on the server and on the client(s). http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/892282-124-computercraft-132-updated/ Make sure you download the MC 1.1 version files. If it dosn't work for you, corrupt your world, make your computer and/or head explode do not blame me - I might just have been lucky :P
  10. The monitor is in ComputerCraft ver. 1.31, thats a newer version than the ported one used in Tekkit.
  11. After many hours of searching the net, browsing forums, trying various ideas and restarting my server 8908123 times, I seem to have found a work-around which makes bundled cables work on a linux server. Step 1) Make a new folder in the /mods folder and name it "computerCraft" (I assume computercraft would work as well, but not tested), copy the content of "ComputerCraft" to this new folder. Step 2) Delete everything EXCEPT the lua folder in the ComputerCraft folder I have not had time to test it much, but at least I could interact with the computer terminals in game and use the bundled cables connected to the terminal so looks like a solution unless something pops up :)
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