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Everything posted by quiet_whistler

  1. Name : quiet_whistler Reason : The vanilla server I've been playing on for over a year is shutting down at the end of the month. I decided to explore some of the other aspects of minecraft and have been having fun with tekkit/technic ssp for the last month, there's so much more to explore. I enjoy a small community where I can chat occasionally but can also get into the zone and build without having to deal with chat spam. Your server seems like a good fit. Biome Preference : Any, biome use is only limited by imagination. Terrain Preferance : Any, same as above. Access to water : Would be nice, but not needed.
  2. Name : quiet_whistler Bans : none Plans : To learn more about tekkit. Previous Experience : Very little. The vanilla server I've been playing on for over a year is shutting down, so I was exploring other aspects of minecraft. I've been messing around with technic ssp for about a month now.
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