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herby canopy

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Posts posted by herby canopy

  1. I'm pretty sure there's a very large difference between "jokingly" kicking anyone in the balls and making a terrible joke about being possessed on the internet.

    Namely, one can be considered assault and the other is just a bad joke.

    Again you are right one is assault and the other is...oh yeah thats right assault.

    It looks like you need to learn what assault is...herby to the rescue.

    Assault is the act of threatening others with physical violence.

    Battery is the act of physical violence..

    For example

    If you go up to someone and say "If you do not touch your toes I will beat you till your mom does not know its you." That is assault...

    If you go up to someone and start punching them then that is battery....

    If you go up to someone and say "If you do not touch your toes I will beat you till your mom does not know its you." Then you start punching them then that would be assault and battery...

    You should know this stuff man if you live in the US...its really one of the most basic of laws that you learn just from movies and tv.

    So your right there is a difference in kicking someone in the balls and jokingly saying you want to kill someone...but the difference in the the charges that could be filed.

  2. Look man, there are strict rules and guidelines on how to post about certain things. For example server posts and bug reports; they have strict rules set up around them to prevent terrible posts like this and other unwanted things.

    There's an unwritten "rule" that when you are too damn lazy to read the rules and guidelines and put some effort in your post and your post is of this quality as the OP, we get to make fun of you. This section is a place for serious posts, promoting your server. Not some random crap like "look I server made, join noe pl0x"

    Look Braha,then delete the stupid crappy post...it does not make public humiliation of a kid...a child...a little person right.

    In fact just because it is a "unwritten rule" here does not mean that your "unwritten rules" override the laws of The United States of America (though I will state the fact that if this forum is not hosted in the US then it might not be illegal but that does not make it right morally or ethically.

    I think that was supposed to be an attempt at humor.

    Not a very good one, arguably, but one nonetheless.

    Oh thats a different story since it was just a joke. I got this great practical joke you have to try its the funniest ever...lol.

    OK, find a cop and kick him in the balls and then the look on his face would be soooo funny dude.

  3. Yeah I know its a bit drastic...lol...but the point is valid. Using his logic it means...

    "He has posted on the internet, his fate is sealed, same as all of us"

    That means that when/if post on the internet the you run the risk of being bullied buy others, but by him pointing that point out that mean that he is basically agreeing that it is OK to bully others (like the child in the OP.)

    I say that just because you can do something or that others do something does not mean that it is morally, ethically, or legally right.

    Just because you are out the in the world, and some people kill and rape does not make it "OK" for someone to kill or rape you. Soooo...the point is wrong is wrong and it is wrong for teens or adults (or kids) to try to bully others. I would love to get in the PAINS with the moron "mod" (if you can call this moral and mental deficient person a moderator) that decided it was OK to try and publicly humiliate a child...in fact I would love to Pains him up the A** with my foot in real life.

    (hows that for trying to start a PAINS match? lol)

    enderman mind taking over must kill awesome boy arrrg

    And this moron wants to kill the child for making an error.

  4. I can not believe that you all are being so mean to this kid at least he was trying. It is people like you and the mods here that are the cause of all the problems in the world...you are worse then the high-school bully, at least they could be mean to peoples faces unlike here you have you can sit at you nice safe desk. Grow up and learn that public humiliation of children is wrong...they just arrested two children for doing the same thing that some of you here are doing.

    He has posted on the internet, his fate is sealed, same as all of us

    Using that logic that means that it is ok to kill and rape people...learn to think...it is not ok to pick on a kid just because you are smarter or have more knowledge then him. I bet your mom would be so proud of you picking on Kids.

  5. Message: /Users/DaisyMay/Library/Application Support/technic/tekkitmain/cache/lwjgl-natives-osx-2.4.2.zip (Permission denied)

    2013/10/03 22:53:51 [sEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/DaisyMay/Library/Application Support/technic/tekkitmain/cache/lwjgl-natives-osx-2.4.2.zip (Permission denied)

    2013/10/03 22:59:51 [sEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/DaisyMay/Library/Application Support/technic/tekkitmain/cache/lwjgl-natives-osx-2.4.2.zip (Permission denied)

    2013/10/03 23:11:47 [sEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/DaisyMay/Library/Application Support/technic/tekkitmain/cache/lwjgl-natives-osx-2.4.2.zip (Permission denied)

    That is the problem...it looks like you, more then likely, do not had admin rights one that User. Minecraft is installed in hidden folders that you need admin rights to.

    EDIT: Oops you have a mac...sorry dude but I have no idea what is going on..sorry.

    This shows you how to see hidden folders

    Also things called Big Dig and Tekkit are called "mod packs" because the already have many "mods" preinstalled. The pack called minecraft I am sure is just vanilla minecraft.

  6. Sorry my bad I thought I edited the comment...

    I got it working now. The instructions said to open the config file so I was going to the config folder looking for the config file and it was not there. After sleeping on it the solution came to me...the file you need is in the world save folder not the config folder...lol.

    Now I can finally make an underground city without hitting caves or mineshafts. Just to test it out so I knew if it was working I found a clear texture pack that let me see through the dirt and stone...yeah it is cheating but I already deleted the texture pack and even the world I "looked" at.


  7. It should be as easy as that since I thing the configs are setup to that if you add the right IC2 version that there should not be any ID conflicts...I did it and it loaded right on up.

    Dwwojcik: Why would you not recommend not using Jenkins? Is there any issues? Or do you just not like it because it is not a "real" version of IC2?

  8. man I looked for over an hour and the best I found was for 1.4.4 MC. Good find there man! I tested the mod by adding files int the rar to the modpack.jar but since it is not a forge mod it is not even loaded. I then tried to put it into the Minecraft.jar and it crashes FML so the mod as it can not be used if you use forge.

  9. Aloha I was wondering what the chances of getting a mod that adds more aesthetic blocks to the pack? Now that we do not have to spend so much time mining it would be cool to have a mod like carpenters blocks or better world or any mod of that type.

    I know people can add mods but I just thought that having it "out of the box" would make this mod just that much better.

  10. Yeah yeah but they just do not have the extra bells and whistles that the others have...like colors syntax.

    I wonder if they added all the items that are registered in the ore dictionary...ie ore from mods that CoFHcore does not support out of the box like nether ores.

  11. Aloha, I really love this mod pack and I would like to use it to build a large underground city with out running into large cave systems. I thought that since cave are many an easy way to get the ores that you need without wasting your pick on cobblestone and since ores can be found all over the place, in this mod, that if there was an option that you could set to have cave gen disabled would be really cool.

    I Think it would need someone to make a small mod (I really do not thing it would take much time at all for someone that knows java and has a little exp in moding.) Here are are couple of ways that this might be-able to be done.

    1) if there is someway to make the game skip the part where caves are "placed"

    2) if after the world is generated you add one more generator that looks for...say, any "air/empty" block and IF that block is under say level 50 (if sea level is 64 that would let you still able to find "small" caves) THEN it replaces that with stone.

  12. Oh that I did not know...I though that the IC2 team just changed sites that they uploaded to...lol. I really am glad that fanboyism is doing that because there are alot of mods that use IC2. Mahalo for the information Lethosos I do not spend much time reading the forums but that time is used for playing MC...lol.

  13. Lol...see I knew it had to be a simple mod. No really though, thank but is there anyway to turn of that graphing it does when you hold f3 because after I hold the button for about 3 seconds the graph covers all the text. I think that the programmer needs to reverse the order of the two layers so that the graph forms behind the text. Any ideas how to stop that?

    Though programmers it would be nice to just have a basic hud.

  14. Thanks for replying but the subset menu does not do any of what I was looking for. Like I said I was hoping to have a mod that is dynamic in what items it had and also the ability to take Items from said menu to you inventory is key too. Please do not get me wrong I am not expecting anyone to make this mod (or anyother) for me, I just saw a mod request area and though I would tell about my ideas I had and if a coder like it then great we all get a new mod to use if no one likes it then so be..lol.

  15. Aloha...once again. Sorry about this but this is my last idea...anywho.

    I think that the users need to have the option to add new pages to NEI and drag-n-drop items to said page. This would let players make "custom project pages" thus helping creative world builders so they could place all the types of blocks they would need to say build an underground city in one page and build the land and trees in a different one...etc

  16. Aloha I was wandering if there was a way to get a place one they screen that will tell you the name of the Biome that you are in at that time? I would not think that it would be to hard since I would imagine that the game stores a list like that anyway. I have seen minimaps that will give you a color readout of the biomes. Keeping that in mind you would just need to...

    1) find the cords of the player

    2) find out what color of biome that is

    3) have an array of colors:names

    4) make insertion point

    5) print name

    One thing to keep in mind of is if you can make it so the user can still use mods that add more boimes.

  17. Aloha, I think it would be great there was a mod coremod that would follow this logic.


    1) get list of mods

    2) Checks to see if said mod adds new items to game

    a) Yes = Checks to see if said mod adds new creative mode tab

    I) Yes = move to next mod

    II) No = adds all items in said mod to its own tab and moves to next mod

    B) No = move to next mod


    Since there is no tabs in INV then maybe you could append a "tag" to the end of each of the items that tells the name of the mod that item came from. (IE "MFSV - IC2"). With this idea if you provided a config file that makes it so that they user can add mods and change the "tag" or you would get item names like "Power Teleport Pipe - buildcraft-client-DA-additionalpipes-3.1.0.zip".

    Some thing simple in the config would be like this...warning bad pseudocode

    mod name list (){
    //name of mod file in your mods folder : tag for mod
    buildcraft-client-DA-additionalpipes-3.1.0 : ADDPipes;
    SecretRoomsMod+Forge-4.0.3 - SHHH;

    What ever the whole idea is to make it so that the user has a easy way of knowing what mod each item comes from.

    WARNING: some items like ore could cause issues so you would need an option in the config that would let you "skip".

    Any ideas?

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