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Everything posted by Gallies

  1. My teleport pipes from my farm to my house are disappearing Why?
  2. Gallies


    sound sweet any ideas on what to make
  3. Gallies


    na I got basalt brick for flooring like the yogscast jaffa factory
  4. Gallies


    I have recently made a lab in my world but I don`t know what to put in it. Any ideas?
  5. Gallies


    I don`t want to join a open Server
  6. Gallies


    Hi everyone I have been playing Tekkit for a while and I have got a bit bored I want to play on a sever I was wondering If someone would give me permission to join there sever but I do not have a micraphone to chat so I will use the In game chat so If anyone would let me join a sever I wold be very grateful
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