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About Zaruko

  • Birthday 04/24/1990

Zaruko's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Fun server, nice staff and neat community. 13/15 -Chocobunny
  2. Minecraft Name: Chocobunny Do you have any bans on record? No, don't think so.. At least not on Tekkit servers. If so, Why? N/A
  3. When I join the map doesn't load for me, and rarely, if it does, I get kicked, with the message, "End of stream".
  4. I can't seem to login. When I try to join the server, it says that the server requires me to have some mods. "The server requires you to have the following mods: mod_IC2 v1.97 mod_ComputerCraft 1.33 mod_CCTurtle 1.33 mod_Railcraft 5.33 " I bet the answer to this is really easy. Can someone please pinpoint the problem, and tell me how to fix it? Also, if you do manage to fix it, tell me I'm a gobshite.
  5. Ah, I see. Two of my friends suggested this. I shall fix it.
  6. 'Sup. So me and my friends made some music (like three songs), and we thought they sounded good, so we continued in that direction, and we eventually got a few songs, that I think you'll enjoy. Also, there were three songs that the majority of the band didn't want in, and asked me to cut it. But I didn't cut them out (shhh)! Anyways, this will be free of charge. It's all compressed in a .rar file, and it will be about 83 megabytes. Gate of Music This took us about eight weeks to do, so we do hope you appreciate it. Also, feel free to post any constructive feedback (and, seriously, don't call it, "constructive feedback" if you say, "omgzz tiz succkks").
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