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Everything posted by john1999

  1. Well this time we all have the game but the server keeps getting a error with avatars and so far i got that the avatars are not getting the data from the server but i still got no way of fixing this problem and in the servers console it says ERORR- FAKE PLAYER CREATED and login disabled
  2. thats what is happening to me!
  3. Title: Server Not reading usernames Version: 3.1.2 OS: 32-bit Java Version: 6 Description of Problem: When people join they do not have a avatar name! Error Messages: When me friends and other join they all seem to have the same error they do not have a name on there avatar and there skills are loading that good they are all steve Please help this error keeps making every one not have a name on top of there avatar I will try to upload a picture on how it look in there Error Log: #Minecraft server properties #Sun Nov 25 11:33:36 CST 2012 allow-nether=true level-name=world enable-query=true allow-flight=false enable-rcon=false server-port=25565 query.port=25565 level-type=DEFAULT enable-rcon=true level-seed= server-ip= max-build-height=256 spawn-npcs=true white-list=false debug=true spawn-animals=true online-mode=offline pvp=true difficulty=1 gamemode=0 max-players=20 rcon.port=25575 spawn-monsters=true view-distance=10 generate-structures=true motd= I think its an error with me mods or with my properties And when the server loads redpower it will say FAKE PLAYER CREATED? and login disabled
  4. I had this error all you do is go to your mods file and delete the mod_NetherOres.jar and then restart your server :)
  5. btw i just up btw i just posted this because i see alot of people on youtube and i see help! on this error so i posted this on how to fix it and i sent links to the youtube people
  6. oops i forgot am not on me lap top
  7. Title: Tekkit Server Launch.bat errors ..7 more FML error Version: 3.1.2 OS: 32-bit Java Version: java 6 Description of Problem: If you have this error Tekkit Server Launch.bat errors ..7 more and just keeps doing this heres how to fix it Error Messages: If you have this error Tekkit Server Launch.bat errors ..7 more and just keeps doing this heres how to fix it 1) Open you Tekkit server 2) go to the mods folder 3) delete mod_NetherOres.jar 4) go back and run your launcher Now your server should run like normal! Error Log: example you might see allot of (unKnown Source) behind some of the class files.
  8. oh sorry i could not help i though you had the not enough room error :)
  9. they have craked tekkit ill just tell them to buy the game the offline works but the username of the avatar will not show
  10. I did am making it for them well nvm am gonna just disable the server
  11. wait i forgot to add that am trying to make a craked server for me friends to see what minecraft is
  12. so i cant put my ip? and what do you mean by period for one.?
  13. #Minecraft server properties #Sat Nov 24 21:00:29 CST 2012 allow-nether=true level-name=world enable-query=false allow-flight=false server-port=25565 level-type=DEFAULT enable-rcon=false level-seed= server-ip= Cant add me ip right now max-build-height=256 spawn-npcs=true white-list=false spawn-animals=true online-mode=true pvp=true difficulty=1 gamemode=0 max-players=20 spawn-monsters=true generate-structures=true view-distance=10
  14. It runs normal and then it says : 1480 lost connetion
  15. just do this left click the launch file click edit and type this in java -Xmx1G -Xms512M -jar Tekkit.jar nogui
  16. right when i click it i wait around 2-5 seconds and there i get bad log in :/
  17. Hmmm do you happen to know how to fix a bad login?
  18. One thing now it says i have a bad login ill try to fix up and thank you!
  19. Ok ill try it thanks
  20. Title: Tekkit 3.1.2 name and permission error on server! Version: 3.1.2 OS: 32-bit Java Version: java 7 Description of Problem: Cannot do anything without name on server! Error Messages: Every time i join my server my skin wont show my name wont show when i type Op Myplayername it says am opped but when i try to do something it say i dont have permission to on the server console i type in /list it says Player online<> <--- that what it say my name is but its not! , it wont show my avatar name! Error Log: Will not show
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