What is your username?
What is your name?
How old are you?
Location (State or City & Country)?
Karlstad, sweden
Have you ever been banned? If yes, why?
Which mod packs are you most familiar with?
I've mostly played the HoboJoe RF and the BMRF packs. they are both quite similar to this pack.
Pictures, videos, or descriptions of things you have built:
no I always seem to forget to save pics of my projects :/
Are you community-oriented or a solo player?
I'm open for both but I mostly play in smaller groups.
Do you have a microphone?
yea I have.
Are you willing to participate on a regular basis in TeamSpeak3?
I might. depends on the people.
After getting settled are you interested in joining the rTr clan?
Maybe. depends on how I like it here.
Why do you wish to join our server?
I have been looking for a new server since our own went down that is very much like it, and this one fits the discription
How long have you been playing Minecraft?
since the alpha
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft?
also since the alpha, or it could be the beta. I think it was during the alpha though.
At what times do you typically play?
depends on how much I have to do but mostly whenever I feel like it. I'm currently studying so as long as I don't have classes I'm on all day long. I do have some work to do during summer though so I might not be on as much as I usually would.
Are you willing to donate?
hm not really, not just like that. I wouldn't mind it if I like it here though.
Are there any other games that you play?
Diablo 3 mostly
How many hours a day do you play games?
varies alot but I play as much as I possibly can and some more.
Do you have hairy arms?
semi I guess. I mean there's alot of hair, almost completely covered but it's not that dark so it doesn't look that hairy.
Are you willing to get involved in community events?
I might be, depending on the event.
Please tell us something about yourself:
I'm a happy swede who does nothing but play minecraft all day long
Do you agree to the rules?