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Everything posted by blake111325

  1. 1.blake11132 2.i can build a quantum armor factory (10) 3.2-3 on work days 5-6 on weekend 4.can not not enogh money to donate right now at least maby later 5.it is mad of relays(ee)energy condensers and energy collectors
  2. Ingame Name:blake11132 Reason of joining:need a server to have fun on Experience: 1 year Age:18 Favorite mod:ee&buildcraft
  3. Minecraft Name:blake11132 i need a server never played on a tekkit server
  4. Member App: IGN:blake11132 Age:...not telling Country/Timezone:no for you i do not whant you to come to my house Tekkit Experience:lots Reason for joining:just whant to have fun Have you read the rules:yes How long have you played tekkit:1 1/2 What you feel you can contribute:diamond generater and parties Time you can contribute to the server 6-7
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