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About TekkitNoodle

  • Birthday 12/28/1994

TekkitNoodle's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Chat channels are being added in the new year and a new spawn :3
  2. Loads of items have been unbanned :3
  3. Updates coming soon to TekkitNoodle! No banned items :O
  4. Skyblock and mob arena have now been added to TekkitNoodle :3
  5. I use MCPC+. I have tried bukkitforge. It's good but I prefer MCPC+. It should run on 1GB. You may not be able to have many players on at one time. Maybe 5-10.
  6. We have a new dedicated box. A lot of features out today!
  7. We had to remove dimensional doors. They cause far too much lag for the server to handle it. Sorry!
  8. Our website : http://www.HexxitNoodle.com/ Hexxit Server Listing : http://www.hexxitserverlist.com/ Our server ip : Play.HexxitNoodle.com HexxitNoodle is the latest server brought to you by one of the best Tekkit servers out there called "TekkitNoodle". HexxitNoodle is running on the Hexxit 1.0.1 pack. The Hexxit mod pack is a lot harder then any other mod pack that i have played. HexxitNoodle allows you to raid and PvP to your hearts content without any worry of getting banned. We currently don't have any banned items due to we don't know what to expect from Hexxit currently. However, i can assure you that like most servers, we will have some. Also, we have a strong team of developers to make sure our banned item list is the smallest it could possibly be. Our plugins : Essentials Vault World-border Factions - Coming very soon A lot of custom plugins. HexxitNoodles Rules : No hacked clients. PvP is allowed. Greifing and raiding is allowed. Be respectful to fellow members of the server including staff. No exploiting of any kind (includes crashing of the server). Have Fun! Our server specifications : We try and provide the best servers possible for our community of players. Our hardware is listed below. Intel E3 1240 V2 3.3 Ghz 32GB ram DDR3 256GB SSD RAID 1GB/s Network US located FULL DDOS protection Server Ip : Play.HexxitNoodle.com
  9. Hello, You need to post a ban appeal on our website. Thanks,
  10. We were doing some server work. It's all up and running now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  11. I would just delete your entire computercraft folder. Unless you would like to sit and go through each folder to try and find the crash script. The folder is located in /world/computercraft
  12. I found this problem. I deleted the nether world folder. Then restarted the server with the netherore.jar in again. Seemed to do the trick for me!
  13. Many fixes of items coming this weekend!
  14. It's the computercraft crash script.
  15. Patched some dupes. Also, EMC in blaze rods have been adjusted.
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