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Everything posted by Cactipod

  1. AGE:-14 IGN:-Cactipod Minecraft/Tekkit experience:- Minecraft for 2 years and tekkit for 1 year. Extra information is always appreciated:- I have some experience with tekkit and willing to help others while still learning new things.
  2. Member App: IGN: Cactipod Age: 13 Country/Timezone:PST Tekkit Experience: I have some experience but still things to learn. Reason for joining: Looking for a fun server without people purposely messing around and destroying things we have worked on. Have you read the rules: Yes How long have you played tekkit: Since it started What you feel you can contribute: I can give help to new people while still learning from others Time you can contribute to the server: All day on weekends and any time after school.
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