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About CptCog

  • Birthday 12/20/1990

CptCog's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Always 'ave to make this complicated, Arch, do ya? IGN(in game name): Conrad Bell (The name isn't important really, but it's a casual starting point. Within the bio, you'll see that he'll accept C.O.G., or Cog for short.) Desired Nick: Conrad>Cog>C.O.G>c0g (it'll all make sense one day. ) BIO: Birthed of the human imperial planet (though really, let's be honest, it's a slave based colony) of Mars, little Conrad felt that the real issue about why people fought and died over scraps was because there wasn't enough to go around. He sought out machines to cure those ails, but he quickly realized (at the tender age of 14 Martian years) whilst participating in political rallies that his influence was too small a thing to really make a difference. So he sought a plan. And within its plot, he devised a new world order; to do away with man in and of itself, that only the ego be left behind, to do as it pleased. To embrace the machines that give man new life, one that would surpass the undesirable needs, the unhealthy wants. He sought to rid the universe of the underdeveloped ego, the very one that refused science and progress, and to elevate the souls which would take part in his experiment. To begin anew, in a new world, in a new colony, where men of intelligence would rule themselves alone, and where all others bent to the will of those worthy of sustaining the strength and power of "enlightenment". But no, he will not tell the others of his final stage; his intimate plan. For now, he grows his colony. He builds his resources. And he does what he does best; he watches, and he waits.
  2. What's all this racket about?

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