Name/Nickname: Nick
IGN: ArtieWH13
Age: 15
Time Zone: United States Central Time Zone
Will you use Ventrilo? (to talk / interact with the community) Most likely, I am relatively new to tekkit.
Will you be a dedicated player on our server? I don't see why i wouldn't if the people are nice and the mods/ admins are friendly.
Why should we add you/a little bit about yourself: I am 15, I currently study Engineering and Design at my school (LOL I have no life.). I am a nice person. I can make most of my structures visually appealing because of my long minecraft history. I am not one who like being griefed so that is why i am submitting this application. I do have a small tendancy to correct people if there wrong but i can hold that down unless its something off the stupid scale. All around I am people person.
Reposting just in case.