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Everything posted by Lucas60

  1. Hooperdude12 admitted he griefed spawn, ask Jakethelegenday, ihascrabz, mrjosh564 and other people. Hooperdude12 also said "Josh Stevens you dick!" (My screenshots wont Work, so i have no evidence, sry ): )
  2. ATTENTION! Spawn has been griefed so Watch out when doing /spawn
  3. Moderator Application: Ingame Name: Lucas60. Age: 12. Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): lucas.frahm1 Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private): Lucas Frahm.. How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: 3 months+ in total. What would you rate your Reputation on the server: 7-9/10 *Scenario Testing* A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: Mute him for 10min and warn him not to do it Again, if he continues i would kick warn him, if he still doesnt stop i would tell an admin to temp-ban him or handle the situation. How would you handle a bug abuser?: i would kick him saying he shall stop, tell him to give me the stuff for me to throw in lava or give to any server admin. Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: No i wouldn, cuz griefing/raiding is allowed. Timezone: Central Europe +1 (Denmark)
  4. Big trio resurrection is down forever , but File will setup a new Tekkit server :)
  5. server is down. forever... Please final, dont do this
  6. Awesome and ready for gaming! :)

  7. Server is bugged right now, cuz final banned World Anchors and they are being deleted in the whole save, Reset will be in a few minutes
  8. Rage, i would be happy if you didnt type like you were staff thx...
  9. (i said (Lucas60): Sry for asking, ive been busy so i havent been on for a while, but are you even Moderator? (I think my chat bugged)
  10. Admin Application Name: Lucas Frahm Age: 11 TimeZone: Central Europe +1 (Denmark) Skype: lucas.frahm1 Any other chat program: Facebook = Lucas Frahm TESTING A moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?: Warn him not to abuse the powers again, it could possibly get him demoted Another Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?: Warn him not to abuse hes Admin Powers, again, it could possibly get him demoted Somebody claims another player is hacking, what would you do: i would go check if the players actually is hacking, if he is i would tell him to stop, if he wont i would kick him, if he still doesnt stop i would ban him. if he doesnt hack i would warn the player telling him not to claim a hacker without really knowing he is. Somebody tries to dupe, you would?: Tell him to stop, if he doesnt i would remove the item, if he makes a new warn i would warn him with a kick, if he still doesnt stop i would Ban him and tell FinalCorruption if he could ban the items he was using, and then i would probably unban the player if Final allowed it A moderator is spamming, you would?: Mute him, if he unmutes himself i would warn him with a kick, if he still doesnt i would deop him if admins can do that (im not sure if they can) if i cant deop him i would tell Final or any Co/Owner that he spam and until the owner/co owner comes i would ban him A moderator is telling people to join another server, you would?: Ban him (its a rule not to advertise servers) ADDITIONAL Why would you like to be an Admin?: Cuz i really love this server and i think i would do great as an admin + i have been mod pretty long and i think im ready to take the next step What past experience as Admin do you have?: i have been Admin on Josiserver and still is, im Admin on a server called MiniCraft(Vanilla) and i have been Admin on Smilets server (my friends uncle) Note: HI final !
  11. Everyone join this server: The Big Trio Resurrection IP: this is the new Big Trio Tekkit (Resurrection) come and play on it Alot of people already plays here!
  12. Note: im not sure if i have been mod 1 month, i think i have Admin Application: Ingame name: Lucas60 Age:11 in 1 month 12 Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): Lucas.frahm1 Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private): Lucas Frahm How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: in 1,7 Month How would you rate your reputation on the server: i would rate it 7-8/10 *Scenario Testing* Someone claims another player has Banned items, how do you react?: i would check the persons inventory and the home for banned items Someone claims another player has a Modded/Hacked client, how do you react?: i would go check if he uses it and ask if he uses it, if he doesnt i would warn the player claiming he used hack/modded clients How would you handle a power abusing Moderator?: tell him to calm down and try not to abuse hes rank Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: i would just make a new base, cuz its a Raiding/Griefing server outside spawn Timezone: Central europe +1 (Denmark)
  13. sry i couldn find them it possibly is the right format but its pretty hard to find the questions....
  14. Azers im sry but this one is denied, you used the wrong format :/
  15. Azers im sry but this one is denied, you used the wrong format :/
  16. people with the login glitch PLEASE stop logging in before we tell you, cuz then you are fixed (probably)
  17. I hate that it always crashes, screw you login glitch!
  18. How long time is it left before i have been mod 2 weeks?
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