In Game Name: iSpl4sh
Age:16 09.07.1996
Time Zone: GMT +1
Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): Yes, a little bit, and i want to learn more about CC.
Amount Played (If Yes): Uff i think over 50 - 100 Hours
Tell us why you would like to play on our server: I would be on your Server cause your Server looks great. You got not so 14 Years old kids who cheat everthing.
And i want to play with People who i can trust.
Previously Banned from a Server: No, i dont now any Ban.^^
And Teamspeak3 and Mircophone i got, usualy Skype.
But iam from Germany, so sometimes you cant understand me, cause i dont know how describe that what i would to say.^^
mfg Sebastian