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About ErdMutter

  • Birthday 04/15/1992

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Launcher Version: Technic Launcher - - (Tekkit) Operating System: Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit w/ UnityDE Java Version: java version "1.6.0_38"; Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_38-b05); Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.13-b02, mixed mode) Antivirus Program: clamAV Description of Problem: he Technic Launcher will boot into the game, and if my computer is freshly restarted will play the game fine. After playing the game for a while the texture will start to change into a bunch of random textures before not rendering the textures at all. The game does not crash from this issue, but does make it hard to find the chests that like to disappear. Screenshot: http://imgur.com/5Yb5I Short Description of Problem: Random Textures before Textures disappear...
  2. Yes more then likely, because all you do is take this install script and put it in a .sh file on your Linux computer, run it, and it will automate the install of Technic Launcher. It will also place it in the appropriate folder for it to be played from any account, not just the account the client was downloaded to.
  3. This script will download the Technic Launcher from the techicpack.net mirror, install it into the shared user game directory, download a Tekkit icon, add it to the shared icon directory, and create a desktop icon for unity. Open terminal by pressing 'ctrl + alt + t' on your keyboard. type "sudo nano tekkit_launcher_installer" into terminal type your password for sudo (same as your account password) copy and paste the entire script bellow by right clicking and pressing paste in the terminal window (pressing 'ctrl + v' does not work in terminal). press 'ctrl + x' then 'y' and the 'enter' button in terminal to close nano. now type into terminal 'sudo sh tekkit_launcher_installer' Type your password for sudo again (same as your account password) After typing your password for sudo and hitting enter it will download the Technic Launcher, Tekkit Icon and install both into the appropriate share directories. It will also automatically create and install the Tekkit launcher shortcut into unity. The shortcut will show up in your installed applications on Utilities' 'Dash Home'. Simply drag and drop that shortcut over to your launcher to add the shortcut, like any other program installed in Ubuntu. Something to Note: One thing that might throw you off is that when entering your password for sudo in terminal, no characters will show up on the screen. This is a safety feature built into terminal to protect your password from being stolen. Disclaimer: Please note that I am running Ubuntu 12.04.1, this might not work for other Linux installations. This has been tested on my machine and works. I am not responsible for any damage that might result from running or attempting to run this script. #!/bin/bash ## Download & Installs Tekkit Launcher Program wget http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/technic-launcher.jar; mv ./technic-launcher.jar /usr/games chmod -x /usr/games/technic-launcher.jar; chmod 777 /usr/games/technic-launcher.jar; ## Download & Installs Tekkit Icon wget http://rocketdock.com/images/screenshots/Tekkit-Icon.png; mv ./Tekkit-Icon.png /usr/share/icons; ## Builds & Installs Tekkit Launcher Shortcut touch /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; echo "Version=1.0" >> /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; echo "Name=Tekkit Launcher" >> /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; echo "Comment=Tekkit Mod Launcher for Minecraft" >> /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; echo "Exec=technic-launcher.jar" >> /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; echo "Icon=/usr/share/icons/Tekkit-Icon.png" >> /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; echo "Terminal=false" >> /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; echo "Type=Application" >> /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; echo "Categories=Application" >> /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; chmod -x /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop; chmod 777 /usr/share/applications/tekkit_launcher.desktop;
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