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Posts posted by youeatp00

  1. Mcborg, I don't fully understand what ur trying to say... however I'm assuming ur talking about splitting up the processors and ram into their own vm and having each host different parts of the chunks? I know of servers doing this between several server but I don't think that will be a very effective way to solve my case as the server I'm making is for me and my friends and we don't build out too far from each other so that would leave the other vms idleing. Its just once we do start building we tend to build a lot in the same area which taxes the single chunk which is why I need more of a real multi threaded solution rather than one with vms.

  2. on the thread that I found that coded part, it states that if running the server on JDK, the code will automatically be optimized and split processes into thread where it can. I found this hard to believe cause I've done some basic programming in Java and C++ and never heard of such thing. Main reason why I asked.

    As for the tickthreading mod, do you know if it is working on the current tekkit and the mods that comes with it? If you don't I'll give this a go later on tonight and report back.

  3. I'm not completely new to hosting servers and what not, but I have noticed a few things that I could improve on which is why I'm posting this here. I've hosted a few servers before for my friends and myself to play on but the limiting factor always tends to be the cpu or the memory and in some cases both when nukes are used lol. Anyways I'm currently thinking about purchasing a server that will have x2 xeon l5420 with 16gb of ddr2 ram or x2 xeon 5320 with 24gb of ddr2 ram. My question is, is it possible to make it so that tekkit( the newest updated version) use all 8 cores without any parallel problems due to multi-core use? If so could someone guide me in the right direction as to how to set this up? If not, is it still worth getting one of those two servers? I found them for only around 200-260.

    Edit: After hours of googling I think I may have found an answer to my own question but I as of right now I don't have time to actually test it yet but according to something I found I can just edit the launch.bat adding in

    -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=7 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -Xms1G -Xmx8G

    can someone confirm this for me if they have time? Otherwise I'll try and confirm it later on tonight myself and i'll post back here if it does work.

  4. Since this is a much more appropriate place than the last topic forum I created, I'll post my stuff here.


    I also took a log for the second picture. Although from what I see I don't see any major problems in the log output but this could just be me and my noobishness.

    Also forgot to mention this is after I updated the jdk and normal java file to 7_21 from what CanVox suggested in my other thread. This also includes the 2 friends that tried to get on. One was on a Mac(Obelmont) and the other was on Windows(Paradox_cpu)


    ---- Minecraft Profiler Results ----
    // Now with extra numbers
    Time span: 356010 ms
    Tick span: 7120 ticks
    // This is approximately 20.00 ticks per second. It should be 20 ticks per second
    [00] levels - 98.47%/98.47%
    [01]  world - 99.79%/98.27%
    [02]  tick - 99.01%/97.30%
    [03]    tickTiles - 35.31%/34.36%
    [04]    tickChunk - 82.56%/28.37%
    [05]      recheckGaps - 99.63%/28.26%
    [06]      unspecified - 72.27%/20.42%
    [06]      getBrightness - 26.05%/7.36%
    [06]      checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 1.69%/0.48%
    [05]      unspecified - 0.37%/0.10%
    [04]    unspecified - 7.41%/2.55%
    [04]    tickTiles - 6.55%/2.25%
    [05]      unspecified - 98.02%/2.21%
    [05]      checkLight - 1.98%/0.04%
    [06]      unspecified - 62.33%/0.03%
    [06]      getBrightness - 36.70%/0.02%
    [06]      checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.97%/0.00%
    [04]    moodSound - 1.39%/0.48%
    [04]    getChunk - 0.74%/0.25%
    [04]    iceandsnow - 0.48%/0.16%
    [04]    buildList - 0.40%/0.14%
    [04]    playerCheckLight - 0.20%/0.07%
    [05]      unspecified - 79.09%/0.05%
    [05]      getBrightness - 20.34%/0.01%
    [05]      checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.58%/0.00%
    [04]    thunder - 0.17%/0.06%
    [04]    checkLight - 0.10%/0.03%
    [03]    tickPending - 30.92%/30.09%
    [04]    ticking - 96.11%/28.92%
    [05]      checkLight - 58.07%/16.79%
    [06]      unspecified - 59.97%/10.07%
    [06]      getBrightness - 38.56%/6.47%
    [06]      checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 1.47%/0.25%
    [05]      unspecified - 41.93%/12.13%
    [04]    cleaning - 3.67%/1.10%
    [04]    unspecified - 0.22%/0.07%
    [03]    entities - 29.46%/28.67%
    [04]    regular - 99.70%/28.58%
    [05]      tick - 97.14%/27.76%
    [06]      ai - 32.11%/8.91%
    [07]        newAi - 92.85%/8.28%
    [08]        goalSelector - 34.28%/2.84%
    [09]          unspecified - 72.23%/2.05%
    [09]          goalStart - 14.01%/0.40%
    [10]          EntityAIWander - 56.26%/0.22%
    [11]            pathfind - 99.42%/0.22%
    [11]            unspecified - 0.58%/0.00%
    [10]          unspecified - 32.27%/0.13%
    [10]          EntityAIFleeSun - 6.46%/0.03%
    [11]            pathfind - 99.12%/0.03%
    [11]            unspecified - 0.88%/0.00%
    [10]          EntityAILookIdle - 4.73%/0.02%
    [10]          EntityAISwimming - 0.18%/0.00%
    [10]          EntityAIEatGrass - 0.08%/0.00%
    [10]          EntityAIRestrictSun - 0.02%/0.00%
    [09]          canUse - 11.17%/0.32%
    [09]          goalTick - 2.10%/0.06%
    [10]          unspecified - 99.76%/0.06%
    [10]          checkLight - 0.24%/0.00%
    [11]            unspecified - 71.64%/0.00%
    [11]            getBrightness - 28.36%/0.00%
    [11]            checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.00%/0.00%
    [09]          canContinue - 0.49%/0.01%
    [08]        unspecified - 27.88%/2.31%
    [08]        controls - 15.99%/1.32%
    [09]          unspecified - 66.79%/0.88%
    [09]          look - 26.87%/0.36%
    [09]          move - 4.35%/0.06%
    [09]          jump - 2.00%/0.03%
    [08]        targetSelector - 15.56%/1.29%
    [09]          unspecified - 92.03%/1.19%
    [09]          goalTick - 3.00%/0.04%
    [09]          goalStart - 2.82%/0.04%
    [09]          canUse - 2.14%/0.03%
    [08]        checkDespawn - 2.77%/0.23%
    [08]        mob tick - 1.35%/0.11%
    [08]        sensing - 1.20%/0.10%
    [08]        navigation - 0.96%/0.08%
    [07]        unspecified - 4.34%/0.39%
    [07]        oldAi - 2.80%/0.25%
    [08]        unspecified - 51.58%/0.13%
    [08]        stroll - 28.47%/0.07%
    [09]          pathfind - 95.21%/0.07%
    [09]          unspecified - 4.79%/0.00%
    [08]        ai - 16.40%/0.04%
    [08]        followpath - 3.55%/0.01%
    [06]      unspecified - 27.15%/7.54%
    [06]      travel - 21.48%/5.96%
    [07]        move - 42.67%/2.54%
    [07]        rest - 29.03%/1.73%
    [07]        unspecified - 28.30%/1.69%
    [06]      entityBaseTick - 8.70%/2.41%
    [07]        unspecified - 96.81%/2.34%
    [07]        portal - 3.19%/0.08%
    [06]      mobBaseTick - 6.06%/1.68%
    [06]      push - 1.46%/0.41%
    [06]      move - 0.89%/0.25%
    [06]      headTurn - 0.69%/0.19%
    [06]      rest - 0.41%/0.11%
    [06]      chunkCheck - 0.40%/0.11%
    [06]      looting - 0.31%/0.09%
    [06]      rangeChecks - 0.15%/0.04%
    [06]      jump - 0.14%/0.04%
    [06]      portal - 0.04%/0.01%
    [06]      checkLight - 0.00%/0.00%
    [07]        unspecified - 50.40%/0.00%
    [07]        getBrightness - 49.60%/0.00%
    [07]        checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.00%/0.00%
    [05]      unspecified - 2.71%/0.77%
    [05]      remove - 0.15%/0.04%
    [04]    tileEntities - 0.16%/0.05%
    [04]    remove - 0.07%/0.02%
    [04]    unspecified - 0.06%/0.02%
    [04]    pendingTileEntities - 0.00%/0.00%
    [04]    global - 0.00%/0.00%
    [03]    unspecified - 2.76%/2.68%
    [03]    mobSpawner - 0.70%/0.68%
    [03]    chunkMap - 0.57%/0.56%
    [03]    chunkSource - 0.17%/0.17%
    [03]    portalForcer - 0.06%/0.05%
    [03]    village - 0.04%/0.04%
    [02]  tracker - 0.89%/0.88%
    [02]  unspecified - 0.07%/0.07%
    [02]  pools - 0.02%/0.02%
    [02]  timeSync - 0.00%/0.00%
    [01]  unspecified - 0.21%/0.21%
    [00] connection - 0.96%/0.96%
    [01]  packetflow - 61.95%/0.60%
    [02]  unspecified - 69.48%/0.41%
    [02]  travel - 12.63%/0.08%
    [03]    move - 38.41%/0.03%
    [03]    unspecified - 35.48%/0.03%
    [03]    rest - 26.12%/0.02%
    [02]  entityBaseTick - 5.88%/0.04%
    [03]    unspecified - 88.20%/0.03%
    [03]    portal - 11.80%/0.00%
    [02]  mobBaseTick - 3.65%/0.02%
    [02]  move - 2.43%/0.01%
    [02]  ai - 2.12%/0.01%
    [03]    unspecified - 54.19%/0.01%
    [03]    oldAi - 45.81%/0.01%
    [02]  rest - 1.98%/0.01%
    [02]  push - 0.79%/0.00%
    [02]  headTurn - 0.43%/0.00%
    [02]  looting - 0.41%/0.00%
    [02]  rangeChecks - 0.08%/0.00%
    [02]  jump - 0.07%/0.00%
    [02]  checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.03%/0.00%
    [02]  getBrightness - 0.00%/0.00%
    [02]  checkLight - 0.00%/0.00%
    [03]    unspecified - 61.22%/0.00%
    [03]    getBrightness - 38.78%/0.00%
    [03]    checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 0.00%/0.00%
    [01]  unspecified - 37.14%/0.36%
    [01]  keepAlive - 0.74%/0.01%
    [01]  playerTick - 0.17%/0.00%
    [00] save - 0.44%/0.44%
    [00] unspecified - 0.06%/0.06%
    [00] tallying - 0.02%/0.02%
    [00] dim_unloading - 0.01%/0.01%
    [00] snooper - 0.01%/0.01%
    [00] players - 0.01%/0.01%
    [00] tickables - 0.00%/0.00%
    --- END PROFILE DUMP ---

  5. @ Plowmanplow, I totally understand what you mean but I would only expect that when there is stuff built. I tried it myself earlier this morning with tekkit lite again and a buddy and I was only pushing 80Kbits with us just running around. Then hopped back onto 1.5.1 tekkit and went way over 1megabit just doing the same exact thing. The second test I actually did it on my gaming machine with these specs if it matters.

    i7 3770k(stock @ 3.5Ghz)

    64gb samsung 830 sdd

    16gb ddr3 1333mhz

    7870 2gb clocked at 1.1ghz

    @Teraku, I'll give that a go, thanks for the suggestion.

    edit: So I did what you suggested and this was the result(practically the same thing)


  6. I'm pretty sure this shouldn't be normal as when I used Tekkit lite and Tekkit classic it never really got above 80kB/s with five people on the server. Since this is the case, anymore than one person will start lagging everyone else on the server which defeats the purpose of even running it. Running this server on a Ubuntu machine that is dedicated to just running the server so nothing else is running besides it. Is anyone else experiencing this or am I the only one?

    full server specs with internet specs

    q6600 2.4ghz

    4gb ddr2 ecc ram

    integrated graphics

    120gb laptop hard drive.

    6megabit download 1.5megabit upload.(att)

    edit: Forgot to mention that there is close to nothing built. We just started up the server in hopes of getting some close friends to play together again starting from scratch.

  7. I've tried removing the mod Immibis but it spits out a error even earlier than the one he posted(which is the same one I got). I'm going to try and use the mcedit and see if I can edit it out and hopefully fix it.

    Edit: Forgot to add I got this while on 0.5.2. I did however come from 0.5.1. However the server was working just fine for well over 24hours then the computer lost power from a power outage and this error came up. As for removing the dimensional anchors I was only able to remove 1 of the 2 in the game. The other one is in mystcraft but mcedit can't touch those worlds for some reason.

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