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About DoctoPwned

  • Birthday 05/02/1996

DoctoPwned's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I already was whitelisted but I have two friends who want to join with no Technic Launcher Forums accounts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st: IGN: Tobystar37 No bans. 2nd: IGN: Theman696969 No bans.
  2. -5688593496472755508 Technic Survival Island!
  3. Sorry, that smiley was not intentional. Minecraft Name: DoctoPwned Do you have any bans on record? No If so, Why?
  4. Minecraft Name:DoctoPwned Do you have any bans on record? No If so, Why?
  5. IGN:DoctoPwned Age:13 Tekkit experience:About a year, Watches all Yogscast Tekkit Series(Although not very helpful), Played on a friend's server for two or three months Personal whitelist.mcf.li link:http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/c25021535489bc685af239a69a94f52191b5be7d Have you read and do you agree with the rules:Yes
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