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Everything posted by thagaruda

  1. yo srry you havent heard from me in sutch a long time but I was in an eccident so I cant really manage the server but I left OP and Console power in Aspiers hands so it should be fine, I dont know when I will be back when I do know I tell you guys,
  2. yea it crashed right after you joined... edit: but its fixed now
  3. fixing that now, also read other posts before you post someting: can you add essentials? read the post above!
  4. server is back online, essensials is not working 100% but im working on it.
  5. server is back online and this is the new ip:
  6. Lol dont worry this is only temperary, maximum for 2 more hours
  7. the server will be back up in 2-3 hours, aslo im off to work so I wont be online will be online the next 2 hours. But when I'm back Ill keep a close eye on the server to see if comes back online, also note that the IP adress will different then the one we are using now but I will update that when the server is back online on the main threat. So see all in 2 hours!
  8. when it post this it is 14:22 and in holland it is 15:22
  9. To everyone, this message is from the host regarding the server move( keep in mind it is in UK timezone): Server Move Tomorrow Hi Guys Tomorrow, all 193 servers will be moved into our Cheltenham data centre. This will prevent any more downtime in which we have experienced in Wolv. All machines will be powered off between 10-11:30AM and will be transported to Cheltenham, where they will be swiftly racked and powered on again. We will make this transition as fast as possible and we are extremely sorry for the downtime this will cause. During this time, please do not create any support tickets, thank you! PS: You will keep all your files and backups etc.
  10. Maybe a crash? I dont know, ill check the log tomorrow
  11. Dont feed it power (yet) because it will show on the radars
  12. I wonder why it went down, what was the message when it went down?
  13. Heads up, server move is probably TOMORROW!!! There will be downtime!
  14. Ok, cool but could you make it happen that also I can change it? :S
  15. important: also it looks like the IP adress will be changed so keep that in mind before posting on planet minecraft, and did you only copy the page I made on this forum? because I keep updating that very often can I also this on the planet minecraft site??
  16. Prop something like missle/army base or a factory thingy
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