Ingame Name: aidanrocks12345
Age: 13
Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): aidanrocks12345
Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private):
How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: maybe 2 months to be a round there
What would you rate your Reputation on the server: well i am friends with some people including nightmare,mini,etc and i do rage some times not always and love playing on this server.
*Scenario Testing*
A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: i would give him a warning telling him to stop swearing or spamming if he keeps spamming and swearing i will mute him or kick him and report it to you and keep a watch on him.
How would you handle a bug abuser?: i would handle a bug abuser by reporting it to you and if it gets too bad then i will kick or ban them or try fixing the bug .
Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: no i would not ban a person if they raided me or my base.
Timezone: eastern time (Canada)