Your In Game Name: Massdragon
Your Age: 13
How often are you planning on playing: A few hours almost everyday usually 1-2 sometimes on weekends 3-6.
For expierienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: On my old server that has since been closed down, I made an Island paradise that housed a secret military base underneath, it had a force field and jacussies and i am very proud of it.
For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I have been looking for a small community tekkit server ever since my last server, mentioned above, was closed. I love tekkit but nearly every server i join gets Greifed! I am hoping that a whitelist server will stop this.
Additional comments: I always enjoy, after getting set up, to help all the new players get started. I also aknowledge that i am not the age specified but i am very mature and work well with any age.